EGU23, Vienna, Austria, 23 - 28 April 2023, pp.1
The East Anatolian Fault (EAF) is one of the continental transform systems in the Eastern Mediterranean, with a length of about 420 km between Karlıova (Bingöl) in the northeast and Türkoğlu (Kahramanmaraş). The 24 January 2020 Sivrice earthquake with Mw 6.8 once again demonstrated the seismic potential of this sinistral strike-slip fault.
The recent earthquakes and discoveries creeping along the Palu Segment (~100km far to the NE of epicenter of Mw6.8 earthquake) by geodesy- and seismology-based studies increase scientific attention. The spatio-temporal characteristics of the creep observed along the Palu Segment were investigated using nearfield GPS, InSAR, and creepmeter data. After Mw6.8 earthquake, we expanded our study area towards the Pütürge Segment in the south to determine the postseismic effects of the 24 January 2020 earthquake and the kinematics of the Pütürge Segment using multidisciplinary methods (GNSS, creepmeter, InSAR, seismology, paeloseismology) and to investigate the effects on the surrounding faults.
During the first year of the project work, a new GNSS network was established in the region and these networks will be regularly measured every six months. In addition, two permanent GNSS stations were installed. Additionally, using Sentinel-1 data sets, surface deformations mapped by PSINSAR analysis. Generally, post-earthquake effects continue and deformations moved to the SW part of unbroken part of Pütürge segment and based on the creepmeter data, surface deformations still continue at the epicenter locations, following the logarithmic afterslip responce.
This work is supported by TUBITAK project number 121Y400.
Keywords: East Anatolian Fault, Earthquake, GNSS, InSAR