1. Ulusal Genç Geoteknik Mühendisleri Sempozyumu, Erzurum, Turkey, 12 October 2016, pp.107-116
The behavior of soils under loads, in general, is non-linear and vary significantly with
associated strain levels. A critical strain threshold value of %10-4 can be identified, after
which the stress-strain behavior of soils becomes non-linear. Strains less than this
threshold are considered as small whereas those in excess are considered as large. The
material properties of soils at various strains can be determined experimentally by
employing a variety of methods. Although, in general, they are not considered in
geotechnical engineering problems, it is nevertheless necessary to take small strains into
consideration for many analyses, such as dynamic stress-strain analyses and surface
settlements above a tunnel. The most important material property for such analyses is
initial modulus of elasticity or shear modulus, which may be determined through in-situ
and/or laboratory testing. Within this study, the initial (maximum) shear modulus of dry
sand samples are measured in the laboratory under varying relative densities, cell
pressures, and input frequencies utilizing piezo-ceramic bender elements, which are
incorporated into the triaxial equipment. This values are compared with correlations based
on laboratory and in-situ tests suggested in the literature.