Awareness of children in primary school about the hazardous packaging material to environment (A sample of Istanbul) I˙lköğretim öğrenci˙leri˙ni˙n çevre i˙çi˙n zararli ambalaj atiklari hakkinda farkindaligi (I˙stanbul örneği)

Gönüllü M. T., Doğan S., Çelik Z.

Milli Egitim, vol.1, no.205, pp.44-63, 2015 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 1 Issue: 205
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Journal Name: Milli Egitim
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.44-63
  • Keywords: Environment, Environmental education, Packaging waste, Primary education, Recycling, Recycling education
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


In this context, theaim of this study was to detailed investigation of the packaging wastes recycling education in primary school curriculum and recycling applications in primary schools which was selected in districts with different socio-economic level of city. In the study, the status of recycling education in primary school curriculum which was formed by the ministry of education was determined, as a priory. The secondly, the questionnaire was applied with totally 944 students who were studying at 3rd, 4th and 5th grades of public primary schools in the districts of Istanbul; Şişli, Fatih and Esenyurt. In this respect, teaching programmes of related courses and text boks were examined. Chisquare test was applied for analysis of the data collected with questionnaire and results were obtained according to certain variables by evaluating theres ponses of the questionnaire. As a result of the study, knowledge about packaging wastes recycling was determined insufficient in primary school curriculum and there were no continuity in present recycling knowledge. According to the responses of the questionnaire, differences between districts and classes were observed as a result of the recycling applications.