Turkish Physical Society 38 the International Physics Congress, Muğla, Turkey, 31 August - 04 September 2022, pp.234
A geomagnetic storm is disturbance in the Earth's magnetosphere by the plasma (solar
wind) from the solar corona. Each geomagnetic storm is a unique event. They are
categorized according to their specific characteristics. One of these categories is a twostep storm, where the ring current increases slightly, then declines and then grows back,
but each two-step storm need not have the same occurrence and consequences. In this
study, we examined two-step geomagnetic storms that occurred at three different times.
We have interpreted comparatively the effects of these geomagnetic storms, which cause
different phenomena (such as Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement (STEVE),
etc.) and events (such as High-Intensity Long-Duration Continuous AE Activity
(HILDCAA), etc.) in our near the Earth space environment, on space weather.