Analysis and sizing of rooftop photovoltaic based electric vehicle charging system

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Durusu A., Ayaz R., Aktaş A., Akça H.

4th International Engineering Research Symposium, Düzce, Turkey, 04 March 2022, pp.4

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Düzce
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.4
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Demand on electric vehicle (EV) chargers increase with the increase in use of EVs. One of the most important issues when EV charger’s use become widespread is its overloading to the grid. It is possible to alleviate this overloading by utilizing renewable energy sources. In this paper, rooftop photovoltaic based electric vehicle charging system is analyzed. The analysis is performed using commercially available different size PV modules. In addition, solar radiation, ambient temperature, wind speed, tilt angle and orientation are taken into consideration as input parameters. The angles (tilt and orientation) at maximum energy output is considered as the optimum tilt and orientation angles. The alternatives and parameters are evaluated with the purpose of supplying of 10 kW EV. In the paper, the analysis methodology is implemented (Figure 1), and different case studies using MATLAB software are compared with each other. These results can play a significant role for investments in the design of rooftop photovoltaic based electric vehicle charging system.