4th International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (INFUS), Bornova, Turkey, 19 - 21 July 2022, vol.504, pp.261-270
The analysis of occupational risks involves a set of uncertainties caused by various factors. One of them is that potential risks are considered according to the most probable situation although there may be able to occur rare outcomes rather than probable situations. Besides, the degree of effectiveness of the measure applied against any risk is another uncertainty factor encountered in risk assessment. In addition, the risk assessment takes place depending on the subjective judgments and degrees of expertise of occupational safety specialists, and subjective judgments involve uncertainty. For this reason, there are various studies using risk analysis models based on fuzzy set theory to address these uncertainties in risk assessments. However, there is not any risk assessment tool that considers the uncertainties caused by the factors mentioned above, simultaneously. Therefore, within the scope of this study, to consider uncertainty a fuzzy set-based approach has been proposed to the literature, which addresses all of the factors mentioned above, simultaneously.