DECISION SCIENCE LETTERS, vol.13, no.3, pp.605-616, 2024 (ESCI)
Conveying the products to the customers under optimized circumstances is as crucial for the
companies as the production itself. One optimization strategy to consider is transportation with
the minimum quantity of vehicles and the selection of courses with the minimum distance
between the locations. In other words, it is the examination of the solution to the Vehicle Routing
Problem (VRP), particularly the Capacitated VRP (CVRP), which is a more realistic
modelization approach. For businesses that perform distribution to customers frequently, such as
management work with the coordination of daily distribution, finishing the distribution on time
is of great importance. In big cities with complicated roads and many dropping points, this can
be achieved by benefiting from the systematic modeling of the CVRP. In this study, the delivery
network investigation for one production facility of the Istanbul People's Bread positioned on the
Asian side of Istanbul, Türkiye that distributes three times a day will be the focus of interest. The
corresponding Asymmetric CVRP (ACVRP) for the facility network and 215 bread-selling
buffets with authentic driving distances will be solved with the Genetic Algorithm (GA), and an
optimized transportation network will be presented.