Arm Based Modbus TCP Distributed Input-Output Device Design with Updatable Firmware Via Modbus TCP Communication Protocol

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Demirbaş B., Akbati O.

International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC), vol.10, no.4, pp.1-5, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


Currently, automation systems containing PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) are used in all areas of industry. By means of PLCs, systems can be controlled and monitored remotely. Apart from the necessity of being able to monitor and control remotely there has also been a need for remote software updating. In this study, ARM based Modbus TCP/IPIO (Input Output)Device design and implementation, which can be used as a Modbus TCP/IP compatible, remotely updatable and low-cost alternative to PLCs, will be explained.