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Edil T., Berilgen M. M., Özaydin I. K.

Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Twelfth National Congress, Konya, Turkey, 16 - 18 October 2008, pp.571-582

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Konya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.571-582
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


In areas where river sediments are thick, construction of earth dams by excavating these sediments and replacing with compacted fill may cause substantial cost increases. River sediments consists of either granular (sand, gravel) or fine-grained (silt, clay) materials. Granular sediments can be improved with relative ease against instability and compressibility; however, because such deposits are highly permeable, additional measures are required to prevent seepage loss through the dam foundation. Fine-grained deposits, if they do not contain extensive sand or gravel lenses, offer less problems relative to seepage loss and may not require seepage control measures. However, such materials typically have low strength and high compressibility and present stability and settlement concerns. The objective of this article is to summarize behavior of earth dams constructed directly over fine-grained river sediments and to present examples of such dam projects. Available methods for improvement of highly compressible, low strength deposits are limited. Because it is generally more economical, the design principles of staged construction and the relevant methods of analysis are presented herein. Alibey Dam for slow staged construction and Hamzadere Dam (not yet constructed) for accelerated staged construction are presented as examples. The results of analyses and observations indicate that earth dams can be constructed directly on soft fine grained river sediments with staged fill placement economically and with acceptable time durations