Journal of ASTM International, vol.9, no.5, 2012 (SCI-Expanded)
This paper is a continuation of the authors' previous work on the nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of nanofluids [Suriyawong, A. and Wongwises, S., "Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer characteristics of TiO2-water nanofluids at very low concentrations," Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci., Vol. 34, No. 8, 2010, pp. 992-999.] This study presents new correlation for predicting heat transfer coefficient for nucleate pool boiling of TiO 2-water nanofluids at several low concentrations. Unlike most previous studies, the proposed correlation consists of various relevant factors. Two horizontal circular plates made from copper and aluminum with different surface roughness values are used as heating surfaces. Because the calculation concerns with properties of nanofluids, this research uses various correlations from previous studies to find the properties of nanofluids and the best one is selected for the presentation. Compared with measured data of nucleate pool boiling of water and nanofluids from present and previous studies, it was found that the developed correlation could be used for prediction at a certain level. Copyright © 2012 by ASTM International.