Fostering a Global Perspective through an Extra-Curricular Activity: Model United Nations

Creative Commons License

Kortel Ö., Bavlı B.

3 rd WERAIRN EXTENDED EDUCATION , Reykjavik, Iceland, 23 - 25 September 2021, pp.44

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Reykjavik
  • Country: Iceland
  • Page Numbers: pp.44
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


The present study aimed to examine Model United Nations as an extra-curricular activity and explore personal experiences, critics and suggestions regarding the club activities. In line with this purpose, the research question was specified as the following: What are the experiences and opinions of the learners taking part in Model United Nations Club? The participants of the study consisted of 12 students who took part in Junior Model United Nations Club at a private school in İstanbul. Convenience sampling was employed in selection of participants and single case instrumental design was adopted in the study. Data was collected through a semi-structured interview and conventional content analysis method was employed in data analysis. The study revealed that Model UN promotes learners’ cognitive, affective and social development in many ways. It supports the development of reflective thinking, critical thinking and problem solving skills, besides building self-confidence and developing empathy. Furthermore, it motivates learners to express themselves in the target language and learn from one another through scaffolding and peer tutoring. The participants also evaluated the club activities in a critical perspective. They put forward suggestions regarding the number of committees and delegates, club hours, selection of agenda items, and the preparation period.