Eğilme Etkisindeki Dikdörtgen Delik İçeren FDM Şerit-Plağın Statik Analizi

Yeşil Ü., Gezer M.

International Congress on New Trends In Science, Engineering and Technology, 7 - 09 July 2020, pp.46

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • Page Numbers: pp.46
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


A static analysis of a plate-strip made from functionally graded material (FGM) containing a rectangular hole has been investigated under bending forces acting on the upper face-plane of the plate-strip. The plate-strip is simply supported at two opposite ends. Young’s modulus varies continuously in the horizontal and vertical directions according to power law distribution, but the Poisson's ratio and material density are assumed to be constant. The following functional forms are used for the nodal values of Young’s modulus for horizontal direction and vertical direction, respectively.These cases are solved for an half of the domain, because of the symmetry of the geometry and loading with respect to the planes .

The classical linear elasticity theory and the generalized plane-strain conditions are assumed for the modelling of the theoretical investigations [1].  The solution of the considered problem is obtained numerically with the help of the Finite Element Method (FEM). Finite number of sub-domains (FEs) are used for the discretization of the solution domain and the solution in each sub-domain is considered as a polynomial function. Employing the Ritz technique, we are obtained the FEM modelling of the boundary value problem [2]. The solution domain is discretized a certain number of rectangular elements having nine nodes. We have used displacement-based finite elements for the FEM modeling [2].

Numerical results of distributions of the displacements and stresses are presented and discussed for various problem parameters such as, material property, hole size, and position of the hole.