Analysis of Defectives in a Call-Center Process Quality under 2-Dimensional Uncertain Linguistic Data by Attribute Control Charts

KARAŞAN A., İLBAHAR E., Gundogdu F. K., YAZIR K., OLGAÇ E., Kaya I.

2024 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies, 3ICT 2024, Virtual, Online, 17 - 19 Kasım 2024, ss.470-474 identifier

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Tam Metin Bildiri
  • Doi Numarası: 10.1109/3ict64318.2024.10824543
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Virtual, Online
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.470-474
  • Anahtar Kelimeler: control charts, Fermatean fuzzy sets, fuzzy set theory, linguistic terms, np charts
  • Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


Control charts (CCs) are highly effective indicators for monitoring and controlling process development in manufacturing, as they allow for the tracking of variance. In the context of attribute control charts (ACCs) that is one type of CCs, uncertainty emerges from the combination of linguistic terms (LTs) used for process evaluation and the reluctance of inspectors in making their judgments. The fuzzy set theory (FST) that enables the transmission of the experts' judgment and decision-making processes to a model, therefore facilitating the construction of intricate and dynamic systems is used in this paper. One of the latest versions of the fuzzy sets is Fermatean fuzzy sets (FFS). It allows decision-makers and operators to articulate their judgments across a wider range of decision-making applications that involve subjective data sets derived from human knowledge. That is why Fermatean np chart that is one type of ACCs are developed in this study to reduce information loss by generating more sensitive and refined outputs. The proposed chart is illustrated by a numerical case study from the call center industry. A fuzzy rule-based system is also introduced to interpret sensitive and detailed results when the samples are progressively in-control or out-of-control. The findings offer significant advantages for both managers and operators, as they facilitate the generation of more precise and actionable conclusions. Through that, decision-makers are better equipped to respond to complex changes in the process, ultimately leading to more effective management and operational outcomes.