Effect of Graphite Addition on Resin Bonded Dolomite Refractories

YEPREM H. A., Genç Y.

MATERIALS TESTING-MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION, vol.51, no.5, pp.323-326, 2009 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Doloma (sintered dolomite) having a 0.5 wt.-% optimum mill scale content were used to form bricks with addition of resin and graphite, so that the effects of graphite was evaluated. Dolomites were first sintered at a temperature of 1750 degrees C for four hours, and then mixed with various additives to prepare mixtures. These mixtures were pressed under 1100 kg/cm(2) pressure. Graphite free and 10 wt.-% graphite containing bricks were produced. The bricks were cured at a temperature of 300 degrees C for three hours, and this was followed by inspection of their bulk density, apparent porosity, and cold crushing strength and thermal expansions. Then, the bricks were baked at 1000 degrees C for two hours, and the same tests were applied. The properties of brick samples were compared, and SEM and X-Ray techniques were performed to examine the structural features.