A study on sustainable use of school sites at (primary) eco-schools in Istanbul

Tonuk S., Kayihan K. S.

JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, cilt.56, sa.7, ss.919-933, 2013 (SSCI) identifier identifier


The sites of primary schools in particular are of great importance in terms of the opportunities they provide for students, such as getting fresh air, establishing relations with nature and external environments, and learning about nature through experience. In this context, the sustainable design criteria of school sites becomes an important factor. The Eco-Schools International Programme aims to introduce environmental management systems into primary schools within the scope of ISO 14001/EMAS. It has a crucial task of educating new generations and promoting sustainable development throughout the world. This study examines primary eco-schools located in Istanbul. A questionnaire-based survey was administered on the theme of school sites and the findings of the study were examined. Questionnaire findings were categorised under five main themes. According to the topics of the questionnaire study, eco-schools in Istanbul often exhibit a successful performance in terms of sustainable transport and parking areas (school bus, public transport), safety on school site (sufficient traffic signpost, 24-hour security), and sustainable properties of outdoor playgrounds, (natural and durable materials), but an inadequate performance in terms of use of school site as a learning and teaching tool (outdoor classrooms, composting), and energy efficient outdoor lighting (solar lighting, lighting sensor).