23.05 2024 Perşembe günü saat 11.00'de danışman-öğrenci toplantısı yapılacaktır. Ders süreçleriniz ve kariyer planlarınız ile ilgili yapacağımız bu toplantıya katılım zorunludur. Toplantı linkini maillerinizden paylaşıyor olacağım. Katılamayan arkadaşlarımızın bölüme mazeret belgelerini iletmeleri gerektiğini de hatırlatmak isterim.
Mülakatlar için aşağıdaki online excel dosyası linkine isimlerinizi yazabilirsiniz.
Objective of homework: To investigate upcoming obstacles to thermo-chemical transformation and recycling within the scope of waste management protocols and new alternative solution methods.
Waste-to-resource applications expected to be investigated in this assignment include the reuse of solid wastes by converting them into basic chemicals and chemical inputs (hydrogen, methane, olefins, methanol, etc.) within the scope of industrial circular bioeconomy. Adopting new resource generation-supporting options holds the promise of significantly increasing recycling rates, providing alternative fuels for sectors with challenging decarbonization prospects (such as aviation, heating, industrial manufacturing, etc.), and diverting waste from legacy storage methods (such as landfill or landfill). carries . Additionally, these procedures provide opportunities for providing high-quality raw materials to the supply chain and mitigating climate change when combined with carbon capture and storage.
Please prepare a research paper by reviewing at least 5 relevant research articles (latest published 2020-2024) on this topic. There is no harm in choosing any type of waste and choosing any chemical component as a new value-added product. You should explain the processes and newly developed methods to be used for conversion, supporting them with literature.
Important Notes:
-The scope of homework is not waste to energy! It should be waste to resource.
-Submissions with similarity index over 15% will not be accepted.
- A sample article was shared on Avesis (Lee et al.2022).
- The word limit for this assignment is set as a maximum of 4000 words.
-Deadline: 25.05.2024 12.00
-Homeworks will be send to yldrmozn@yildiz.edu.tr
Experts from ISTAC will be with us on the dates listed below (Attendance is important during these dates):
06.03.2024-Operation of Landfill Facilities
13.03.2024-Leachate Management Fac.
20.03.2024-Bio.Pro. for SWM
03.04.2024-Carbon Management
24.04.2024-Electricity Production from Landfill Gas
08.05.2024-Operation of Thermal Facilities
22.05.2024-Climate Change
UV dezenfeksiyon tasarımı yalnızca 2.kademe için yapılacaktır.
Kum tutucu ünitesi notlarınız exceldedir ve hesap konusunda eksikler excelde mevcuttur.
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