2023-2024 Eğitim-Öğretim Yılı Bahar Yarıyılı Laboratuvar Deney Grupları Gr2 ektedir.
Dear All,
You can find our XIII lecture note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear All,
You can find our X lecture note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear All,
You can find our IX lecture note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear All,
You can find our XII lecture note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear All,
You can find our IX lecture extra note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear All,
You can find our XI lecture note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear All,
You can find our VIII lecture note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our retrosynthesis notes as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our examples about retrosynthesis as attached file.
good luck
Dear students,
You can find document about our 2nd midterm homework. You can send your homework until 31 May.
You can write to me if you have any questions.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find experiment dates and laboratories rules on the attachement.
You should take your lab notebook, lab manual, safety lab glasses, gloves and lab coat with you.
Best regards
Dear all,
You can find our next week note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our next week note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our VI lecture note as attached file.
Dear all,
you can find olur IV week notes as attached file
Dear All,
You can find our VII lecture note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all
You can find our first week notes as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our seccond week note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
This is the other first week notes again.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our lecture II note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our latest note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our lecture note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our fist week note as atached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our note as attached file.
Good luck
Arkadaşlar merhaba,
11. Haftaya ait ders notunu ekte bulabilirsiniz.
kolay gelsin
Arkadaşlar merhaba,
Ekte 10. hafta ders notlarını bulabilirsiniz
kolay gelsin
Dear all,
You can find our practice as attached file..
Good luck
Merhaba arkadaşlar,
8. hafta ders notları ekte yer almaktadır kolay gelsin
Arkadaşlar merhaba,
Bu hafta işlemiş olduğumuz ders notları ektedir.
kolay gelsin
Arkadaşlar merhaba,
Son haftaya ait notlarımız ekte yer almaktadır.
Merhaba arkadaşlar,
5. haftaya ait ders notu ektedir.
iyi çalışmalar
Arkadaşlar merhaba,
stereokimya dersimizin 6. haftasına ait ders notları ektedir.
merhaba arkadaşlar,
4. haftaya ait ders notları ektedir.
Kolay gelsin
iyi çalışmalar
Dear all,
You can find our previous lecture note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our last lecture notes as attached file.
good luck
Merhaba arkadaşlar,
Dersle ilgili pratik soruları ekte bulabilirsiniz
Arkadaşlar merhaba,
Dersle ilgili pratik çalışmaları ekte bulabilirsiniz.
iyi çalışmalar
Arkadaşlar merhaba,
Stereokimya 1. hafta notlarına ekte ulaşabilirsiniz
iyi çalışmalar
Merhaba arkadaşlar,
Stereokimya dersimizin 3. hafta notlarını ekte bulabilirsiniz.
iyi çalışmalar
Arkadaşlar merhaba,
Danışmanlığını yaptığım lisans öğrencileriyle bu hafta Salı günü (27.09.2022) saat 13:00'de danışman-öğrenci toplantısı gerçekleştireceğiz. Toplantı online gerçekleştirilecektir. Tüm öğrencilerin katılımı zorunludur. Katılamayan öğrencilerin mazeret bildirmesi ve bölüme dilekçe vermesi gerekmektedir.
Zoom toplantısına aşağıdaki linkten ulaşabilirsiniz;
Yarın toplantıda görüşmek üzere
Doç.Dr. Ömer Tahir Günkara
Arkadaşlar merhaba,
En son derste işlediğimiz sentezle ilgili ek dosyaları buradan paylaşıyorum.
İyi çalışmalar
Dear students,
There will be questions about your laboratory experiments at your final exam. You should also work the experminets and general techniques too.
Good luck
Dear all,
I prepared attached note about all reaction in organic Chemistry I, There isn't any password so please share this link with other groups also.
I hope it will help.
See you at final exam day,
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our last lecture note as attached file.
Dear all,
You can find our last lecture note as attached file.
Dear all,
You can find practice problem for your 2. midterm.
Good luck.
Dear all
you can download our aromatic compound lecture notes as atteched file.
good luck
Dear all
you can download our lecture note about resonance as atteched file.
good luck
Dear all
you can download our aromatic compound lecture notes as atteched file.
good luck
Dear all
you can download our alkyl halide lecture notes as atteched file.
good luck
Dear all
you can download our alkyne lecture notes as atteched file.
good luck
İyonik sıvılar ile ilgili ders notumuzu ekte bulabilirsiniz.
Kolay gelsin
Dear all,
You can find this week notes as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find alkene reaction part II note as attached file.
You need all of this notes in your midterm exam.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find previous week note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear All,
You can find our lecture notes about green solvents.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our 1.week notes as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find 2. week notes as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find lecture note about Alkaloids as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our 3.week notes as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our 4. week notes as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our 5. week notes as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our 3. week note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find 4ç. week note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find the list of laboratory materials you will need in the organic laboratory. When you come to the experiment, you must bring the materials on the list.
See you next week.
Dear all,
You can find laboratory group cycle as attached file.
You should follow the date from this chart. If there isn't any experiment name against the specified date, you do not need to come to the laboratory on those days. You have to study on your experiment before come to lab.
Please send email if you have any question.
Good luck
arkadaşlar merhaba,
İlk haftaya ait ders notlarını ekte bulabilirsiniz.,
Kolay gelsin
Dear all,
You can find 2.week note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our first week note as attached file.
Good luck
Arkadaşlar merhaba,
Biyolojik Aktif Bileşik Sentezleri dersimize bir hafta geç başlıyoruz. 01.03.2022 Salı günü ders olmayacaktır.
Bir sonraki dersimizde görüşmek üzere
Arkadaşlar merhaba,
Yeşil Kimya ve Uygulamaları dersimize bir hafta geç başlıyoruz. 28.02.2022 Pazartesi günü ders olmayacaktır.
Bir sonraki hafta dersimizde görüşmek üzere
Dear all,
In this attached file, you can find some questions to practice your final exam.
Good luck
Dear all,
There will be 25 test question in your exam. All of the main topics (Also Periodic Table) are included to the midterm.
Good luck in your exam
Dear all,
In this attached file, you can find some questions to practice your midterm.
Good luck
Dear all,
We talked about reactions in aqueous solutions last week at the online course. You can find its note as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find today lecture note as attached files.
Good luck
Dear all,
you can find practice questions fot your midterm.
good luck
Dear all,
You can find practice questions as attached file. You may solve this questions for your midterm.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find any other note about solution and their properties. Our password is same with the old one.
Good luck
Dear all,
you can find our extra slayt about - intermolecular forces. Password is same with the old one.
Good luck
Dear All,
You can find our practice video link as attached file.
There will be 25 questions and you have 100 minutes to solve them. Don't sign the question, if you are not sure. 4 wrong selection take one of your correct answer. you can also turn back your previous question which you skip before. If there will be some trouble about exam, please contact with me immediately via my email adress 'omerrrgunkara@hotmail.com'
And also there is an information on Chemistry Department website; please check it
''Değerli Öğrencilerimiz,
KIM1170 Genel Kimya Servis Dersinin
çevrimiçi yapılacak sınavlarıyla ilgili bilgiler aşağıda sunulmuştur:
- Sınavlar https://online.yildiz.edu.tr platformu üzerinden
gerçekleştirilecektir. Online Sınav Modülünde kendinize tanımlanan sınav
belirtilen gün ve saatte otomatik olarak aktif olacaktır. Sınav modülü kullanım
kılavuzuna http://www.uzem.yildiz.edu.tr/_ekler/153-16018385301-ue-lms-kullanim-kilavuzu-ogrenciler-v1.pdf linkinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
- Online sınav, çoktan seçmeli test şeklindedir.
Toplam 25 soru sorulacak olup, sınav süresi 100 dakikadır.
- Sorulara verdiğiniz her 4 yanlış cevap, 1 doğru
cevabınızı götürmektedir (diğer bir ifadeyle sınav neti hesaplanmasında 1
yanlış 0,25 doğruyu götürür). Bilmediğiniz soruları boş bırakmanız yararınıza
- Online Sınav Modülünde sınav ekranı tam ekran
modunda çalışacak şekilde ayarlanmıştır.
- Sınav sorularında geri dönüş yapabilmenize
olanak sağlanacaktır.
- Sınav sırasında çevrimiçi platforma bağlanmakta
ya da sistemden kaynaklı bir sorun yaşamanız durumunda dersinizin hocası ile
ivedilikle iletişime geçmeniz gerekmektedir.
- Sınav konuları dönemin başından
başlayarak periyodik tablo başlıklı konunun sonuna kadar ilk 7 haftayı
kapsamaktadır. Sınavda laboratuvar uygulamaları ile ilgili soru yer
Sağlıklı günler ve sınavlarınızda başarılar
Kimya Bölüm Başkanlığı''
Good luck on your midterms.
Dear All,
You can also follow our lab topic with this attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can also find our general chemistry laboratory book as attached file.
good luck
Dear all
I added our acids and bases lecture note again.
Good luck on the exam
Dear all you can find some question examples about entropy topic.
Please check this youtube video also;
Dear all,
You can find our lecture note about Cptr 12
Good luck
Dear all
you can find our lab note about pH experiment
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our lab notes about Acid Base titration experiment.
Good luck on the 2. midterm.
Dear all,
There is our lecturenote about chemical equilibrium.
Good luck
Hi everyone,
This is our lecture note about solutions,
Please prepare well.
Good luck
Dear all,
There is some practice questions. Please try to solve them
Good luck
Dear all,
There is some practice questions. Please try to solve them
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our lecture note about chemical bonding.
Good luck
Dear all,
There is some practice questions. Please try to solve them
Good luck
Dear all,
There is some practice questions. Please try to solve them
Good luck
Dear all,
There is some practice questions. Please try to solve them
Good luck
Dear students,
Please watch this video. You can understand easily 'limiting agent' term. I guess we made some mistake today when we are selecting 'limiting agent'. Check this video;
if you have any further question please send email to me.
Good luck
Dear all
you can find questions about atomic theory lecture as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all
you can find questions about atomic theory lecture as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find some practice questions about thermochemistry
Good Luck
Dear all,
You can find seccond part of practice questions.
Good luck
Dear all
you can find our thermodynamics lecture notes as attached file.
Good luck
Dear all,
You can find our seccond week experiment lecture notes as attached file.
good luck
Dear all,
You can find our first week experiment lecture notes as attached file.
good luck
Dear all,
You can find our third week experiment lecture notes as attached file.
good luck
Dear all
you can find our 2.week note first part about 'Chemical Compounds'
Good day
Dear all,
You can find some practice questions about our 3. week lecture
good luck
Dear all,
You can find some practice questions about our 2. week lecture
good luck
Dear all,
You can find some practice questions about our 2. week lecture
good luck
Dear all,
You can find some practice questions about our 3. week lecture
good luck
Dear all
you can find our 2.week note seccond part about 'Chemical reactions'
Good day
Dear All,
You can find our first week lecture notes.
Sevgili arkadaşlar,
ilk haftanın notlarını ekte bulabilirsiniz.
can find our first week lecture notes.
haftanın notlarını ekte bulabilirsiniz.