Mustafa GURSOY has
been working in Yildiz Technical University (YTU) since 1993. His main study
areas are focusing on transportation economics, transportation operations
and management, and transportation planning. Along with his academic and
teaching works he also gives private sector companies numerous consultancy
(more than twenty firms) services during his carrier. He is also a regular
academic peer reviewer for “the Journal of Scientific Research and Essays”
(more than thirty journal articles peer reviewed). He served as the president of
the Office of Constructions and Technical Works of YTU between June 2016 and February
2017. He also served as the director of Transportation Research Center of the YTU
for 13 years (between 2007 and 2020) and also gave his professional service briefly
at the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality as the Director of the Transportation
Department between the 2019 and 2020.
As an academic he offers Highway Engineering, Railway Engineering, Railway Design, Urban
Public Transportation Systems, Public Transportation Transfer Center Design
courses at the undergraduate level and at graduate level he is offering Transportation Economics and Transportation
Operations courses. He also supervised twenty one master of science thesis and one
doctoral thesis (as co-supervisor), besides he participated nine academic
research projects funded by different public or private institutions as either
researcher or director.
- E-posta
- Web Sayfası
- Fax Telefonu
- +90 212 383 5133
- İş Telefonu
- +90 212 383 5184
- Ofis
- Civil Engineering Building, Room:2-023
- Posta Adresi
- Yildiz Technical University Civil Engineering Department, Davutpasa Campus, 34210 ESENLER-ISTANBUL