Prof. Dr. Miray
Çelikbilek Ersundu received her
BSc, MSc and PhD degrees from Istanbul Technical University, Department of
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering in 2008, 2009 and 2013, respectively. In
2014, she started to work as a faculty member in the Department of Metallurgical
and Materials Engineering at Yildiz Technical University. She was awarded the
title of associate professor and full professor in 2018 and 2023, respectively. She continues to carry out her research
at the Glass Research Laboratory of which she is the co-founder.
Prof. Dr. Miray
Çelikbilek Ersundu is in the vision of developing solutions for the main
problems of today's world such as, energy efficiency, recycling, and carbon
emissions, by using the new generation glass and glass-ceramics developed for
many advanced technological application areas. Recently, she has focused on
glass and glass nanocomposites with color conversion properties, and by
synthesizing lanthanides and quantum dots together directly in thermally and
chemically durable glass matrices, she prevented the stability and decay
problems of quantum dots and ensured that the light properties were preserved
for a long time. She paved the way for the integration of glass and glass
nanocomposites into next-generation opto-electronic and photonic applications
such as solid-state lighting (LED), luminescent solar concentrators for use in
building integrated photovoltaics, three-dimensional volumetric displays,
optical temperature sensors and anti-counterfeiting applications.
To date, Prof. Dr. Miray Çelikbilek Ersundu has worked as the principal investigator in 5 TUBITAK (1 International), 1 Ministry of Industry, 1 KOSGEB, 16 BAP projects, and as a researcher in 1 Horizon Europe, 7 TUBITAK (1 International), 1 KOSGEB and 11 BAP projects. She has 50 articles published in internationally indexed journals, 3 international book chapters, 77 international and 7 national conference presentations. As of August 2023, her articles were cited 1888 times according to the Google Scholar citation index (h-index 23), and 1447 times according to the web of science index (h-index 21). In addition, she has 3 national and international patent applications that are still under examination.
In 2022, she was deemed worthy of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA)-Outstanding Young Scientist (GEBİP) award and became a member of the TÜBA Young Academy.
Miray Çelikbilek
Ersundu is married and has one little boy named Demir.
- Web Page
- Office Phone
- +90 212 383 4688
- Fax Phone
- +90 212 383 4662
- Office
- Kimya Metalurji Fakültesi A316
- Address
- Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Davutpaşa Kampüsü Kimya Metalurji Fakültesi Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği A 316, 34220, Esenler, İstanbul