Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, no.30, pp.47-69, 2022 (ESCI)
The current study aims to determine how emergency remote
teaching (ERT) practices were conducted in a disadvantaged suburban public
primary school during the COVID -19 pandemic. For this purpose, a
disadvantaged suburban public primary school in the Marmara region,
Turkey, was selected as a case and an instrumental case study design was
chosen for the study. For data collection, in-depth interviews were conducted
using a semi-structured interview form with 10 classroom teachers. In
addition, natural observations were conducted by one of the researchers who
is also a teacher in the same school. As a result of the thematic analysis, two
main themes were identified: "disadvantage experienced by students" and
"the consequences of disadvantage." The disadvantage experienced by the
students has two different dimensions, social and economic. It was found that
these disadvantages lead to different effects on students and teachers. The
results of the study show that students face economic disadvantages in
purchasing the imperative learning materials to participate in the online
course. Parents do not prioritize these materials due to low awareness. Socioeconomic disadvantages lead to a digital divide and inequality of opportunity
in education.It is clear that school closures will create even greater challenges
for disadvantaged students in the future.s. In terms of teachers, these
disadvantageous situations cause instructional difficulties such as challenges
in planning the teaching process, neglecting the program, effective
assessment; and individual difficulties such as anxiety and sadness