The Effectiveness of Using Virtual Simulation and Analogy in the Conceptual Change Oriented-Physics Learning on Direct Current Circuits

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Coştu B., Hermıta N., Suhandı A., Syaodıh E., Samsudın A., Sopandı W., ...More

TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, vol.16, pp.347-356, 2017 (Scopus)


This research investigated the use of cognitive conflict strategy aided with virtual simulation and analogy in conceptual change oriented-physics learning on Direct Current Circuits. Thoughis pre-experimental method involved 38 pre-service elementary teachers at a university in the Riau province, Indonesia. They were taught by using cognitive conflict strategy aided with virtual simulation media and analogy. Virtual simulation by using media was done at conception and scientific explanation stages. And then analogy was done at new concept reinforcement stage. The research instrument used was a direct current circuit concept test in Three-Tier Test format. The test was used before and after the cognitive conflict strategy implementation. The results show that before treatment the majority of college students have misconceptions abot parallel electrical circuit, battery functions in an electric circuit and the bulbs lighting process in an electric circuit. The results also show that the application of cognitive conflict strategy aided with virtual simulation and analogies is highly effective in reducing the quantity of students who have misconceptions on three reviewed direct current circuit concepts.