Twenty-three hardaliye beverage samples were collected from different regions of Kirklareli city in Turkey and five hardaliye samples were produced under laboratory conditions according to traditional methods. Total phenolic compounds, monomeric anthocyanins (malvidin-3-glucoside), volatile acid, ethyl alcohol. total sugar contents, total acidity (lactic acid), pH, color values (L (brightness), a (red-green), b (yellow-blue)), total mesophilic aerobic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, yeast and mold and coliform counts were determined. Acidity between 0.38 and 0.919%, pH from 3.54 and 4.33, color (L.a.b.) values from 7.57 to 13.74, from 0.71 to 7.68, from 0.73 to 4.50, respectively were determined. Total phenolics from 368.8 to 2647.5 mg L-1, ethanol between 0.4 and 6.0% in 7 out of 23 examples, TMAB number 3x10(1)-3.2x10(6)cfu mL(-1), LAB 1x10(2)-3x10(5)cfu mL(-1) in 16 out of 23 samples, yeast and mold count 1x10(1)-2,3x10(4)cfu mL(-1) in 18 out of 23 samples were found. According to the results obtained. coliforms and Escherichia coif were not found in the analyzed samples. Statistical analysis results revealed that differences between samples were significant (P <= 0.01). Given its bioactivc characteristics, hardaliye beverage should be produced at large-scale and be recognized by large communities.