LATIN AMERICAN APPLIED RESEARCH, vol.52, no.1, pp.1-6, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)
In this study, resistant starch (RS)-enriched pudding production was performed in order to develop puddings with reduced glycemic index, which could be consumed as functional milky dessert to cope with obesity and high blood sugar. Control sample without the resistant starch (RS) and three pudding samples with RS (1%, 2%, and 3%) were prepared. Physical analyzes of the samples were performed, their sensory and rheological properties were examined and glycemic index analyzes were implemented in vitro conditions. With the addition of RS, the moisture content of the puddings decreased and there was an increase in L* value. The rheological properties of pudding samples were evaluated using a rheometer. Results showed that the viscosities of the RS added samples were lower when compared to the control sample. The glycemic index value decreased with the increase in the RS content of puddings. A sensory analysis test was performed to a group consisting of 9 panelists. 3% RS sample was determined to be more favorable. Analyzes showed that RS caused positive effects on pudding moisture, brightness, rheology and glycemic index. As a result of this study, it was found that the sample containing 3% RS had acceptable and favorable properties.