Immersion positively effects learning in virtual reality games compared to equally interactive 2d games

Thompson M., Uz-Bilgin Ç., Tutwiler M. S., Anteneh M., Meija J. C., Wang A., ...More

INFORMATION AND LEARNING SCIENCES, vol.122, no.7-8, pp.442-463, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 122 Issue: 7-8
  • Publication Date: 2021
  • Doi Number: 10.1108/ils-12-2020-0252
  • Page Numbers: pp.442-463
  • Keywords: Virtual reality, Stereoscopic, Immersion, Interactivity, Cellular biology, Game based learning, STEM education, Mixed reality, AUGMENTED REALITY, EDUCATION, SCIENCE
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Purpose - This study isolates the effect of immersion on players' learning in a virtual reality (VR)-based game about cellular biology by comparing two versions of the game with the same level of interactivityand different levels of immersion. The authors identify immersion and additional interactivity as two key affordances of VR as a learning tool. A number of research studies compare VR with two-dimensional or minimally interactive media; this study focuses on the effect of immersion as a result of the head mounted display (HMD).