Caramelized white chocolate: effects of production process on quality parameters

Aydin N., Kian-Pour N., TOKER Ö. S.

JOURNAL OF FOOD MEASUREMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION, vol.15, no.4, pp.3182-3194, 2021 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 15 Issue: 4
  • Publication Date: 2021
  • Doi Number: 10.1007/s11694-021-00890-1
  • Journal Indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Scopus, Agricultural & Environmental Science Database, CAB Abstracts, Compendex, Food Science & Technology Abstracts, Veterinary Science Database
  • Page Numbers: pp.3182-3194
  • Keywords: Aroma, Caramelization, Rheology, Viscosity, White chocolate
  • Yıldız Technical University Affiliated: Yes


The impact of different temperatures (110-120 degrees C) and times (30-120 min) on rheological properties, aroma components, color, browning index, and sensory characteristics of the caramelized white chocolate was examined. Ostwald de Waele model best fitted to flow behavior of the chocolates. The dependency of viscosity on temperature was modeled by the Arrhenius equation. After 90 min of caramelization at 115 degrees C and 120 degrees C, the consistency coefficient significantly increased and samples demonstrated doughy structure, with no desirable sensory properties due to the formation of solid particles. The formation of furfural and linalool increased by increasing the time and temperature of caramelization which demonstrated that at 120 degrees C, the caramelization time should not exceed 90 min otherwise, bitterness flavors, burned and bad taste were sensed. The most desirable samples according to sensory evaluation were at temperatures below 120 degrees C. Ultimately, the most appropriate process conditions were determined for 110 degrees C (60-90 min) and 115 degrees C/60 min.