Duyurular & Dokümanlar

KOM3712-Control Systems Design - Part 3
Ders Notu

Course notes,

KOM3712-Control Systems Design-Part 3

KOM3712-Kontrol Sistemleri Tasarımı - Kısım-1
Ders Notu

KOM3712-Kontrol Sistemleri Tasarımı

  • Ders İzlencesi
  • Bode Çizimlerinin Özeti

KOM3712-Kontrol Sistemleri Tasarımı - Kısım-2
Ders Notu

KOM3712-Kontrol Sistemleri Tasarımı

Bölüm 10.2 - Frekans Cevabı Yöntemleri

  • Nyquist Kararlılık Ölçütü
  • Kazanç ve Faz Payları

KOM3712-Control Systems Design - Part 2
Ders Notu

KOM3712-Control Systems Design

Chapter 10.2 - Frequency Response Methods

  • Nyquist Stability Criterion
  • Gain and Phase Margins

KOM3712-Control Systems Design - Part-1
Ders Notu

KOM3712-Control Systems Design

  • Syllabus
  • Recap of Bode Plots

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems - Homework: 1

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems - Homework: 1

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems - Week: 1
Ders Notu

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems - Lecture Notes - Week: 1

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems - Weeks: 2 and 3
Ders Notu

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems - Lecture Notes - Weeks: 2 and 3

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems - Weeks: 4
Ders Notu

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems - Lecture Notes - Week: 4

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems - Weeks: 5 and 6
Ders Notu

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems - Lecture Notes - Week: 5 and 6

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems - Weeks: 7
Ders Notu

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems - Lecture Notes - Week: 7 

(This file gives more details to s to z mapping, which was given in the previous file!)

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems Dig-PID - Weeks: 8
Ders Notu

KOM5102 Design of Digital Control Systems - Lecture Notes - Week: 8: Digital PID

Re. getting ORCID / ORCID alınması hakkında

Sevgili LÜ Öğrencilerimiz,

Tüm YL ve Doktora öğrencilerimizin ORCID (Uluslararası Yazar Kimlik Numarası) alarak Ulusal Tez Merkezi Otomasyon Sistemine eklemeleri gerekmektedir. Tez ve makalelerinizin takip edilebilmesi için bu bir zorunluluktur. 

Açıklama için lütfen ekte FBE'den ve YÖK'ten gelen dokümanları dikkate alın.

Başarılar dileriz,

Dear Graduate Students,

You are urgently requested to get ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) so that the publications you are involved including your theses and research papers can be traced and cited.

Please see the official announcements attached.

Best wishes,