Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

Bir biçem incelemesi bir şiir

Dil Dergisi , cilt.105, sa.1, ss.109-115, 2001 (Hakemli Dergi)

Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

The Effect of the 4/3/2 Technique on Turkish EFL Students’ Speaking Fluency

4. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL WORLD SCIENCE AND RESEARCH CONGRESS, İstanbul, Türkiye, 22 - 23 Haziran 2024, ss.85

The Effectivity of Task-Based Activities on Vocabulary Competence Designed in Accordance with the Common European Framework

3. Uluslararası Azerbaycan Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Kongresi, Baku, Azerbaycan, 26 - 28 Kasım 2022

Mediating between Theory and Practice: Pre-service EFL teachers’ perceptions of their Mentors

VI. Uluslararasi Öğretmen Eğitimi ve Akreditasyon Kongresi, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 16 Haziran 2022, ss.87-88 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

How do Turkish bilinguals express motion events in a typologically different L2?

12th International ELT Research Conference, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 16 Mayıs 2022

The task-based language teaching as a means of communication

9. Uluslararası İstanbul Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 14 Mayıs 2022, ss.940-949

The role of vocabulary in task-based approach and how to assess

9. Uluslararası İstanbul Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 14 Mayıs 2022, ss.950-956

Syntactic and Lexical Complexity of Turkish University Students' Spoken English Discourses

9th International Conference on Education: Education of Social Sciences, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 17 - 18 Ocak 2022, ss.599-608 Creative Commons License

Digital gaming in teaching pharmacy vocabulary

European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy (EAFP) Virtual Conference, Valletta, Malta, 9 - 11 Kasım 2020, cilt.21, sa.3, ss.18 Creative Commons License identifier

Examining Middle School Students’ Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Relation to Various Variables

ERPA - International Congresses on Education, Sakarya, Türkiye, 3 - 05 Haziran 2021, cilt.1, ss.31

Technology Acceptance and Usage Behaviour of Content and Language Integrated Learning Teachers

11th International ELT Research Conference, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 3 - 05 Eylül 2020, ss.101 Creative Commons License

Merkezi Sınav Sisteminin Etkileri: Okul, Öğretmen, Öğrenciler ve Aileler

Oltre la Penna Rossa Conference, İstanbul, Türkiye, 16 - 17 Mayıs 2019

21. Yüzyılda Dil Öğretme Sanatı

3. İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Konferansı, İstanbul, Türkiye, 10 Mayıs 2019


Sakarya University 5th ELT Undergraduate Student Conference, Sakarya, Türkiye, 01 Mart 2019

Do older bilinguals tell better stories?

10th INTERNATIONAL ELT RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Antalya, Türkiye, 25 - 27 Nisan 2018

Pulling down the Walls Augmented Reality in Language Classes

International ELT Conference: Foreshadowing Trends in the Realm of ELT, 18 Haziran 2016

The Art and Craft of Teaching

2nd Language, Culture and Literature Workshop, Antalya, Türkiye, 8 - 10 Haziran 2016

Language Learning and Teaching through the Eyes of Student Teachers of English

2nd Çukurova International ELT Teachers (CUELT) Conference, Adana, Türkiye, 28 - 29 Nisan 2016

Sözcük Öğretimi ve Sözcük Dağarcığı Geliştirme

İngilizce Öğretimi Hizmetiçi EğitimÇalıştayı, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, 10 - 11 Ocak 2016 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

A corpus based investigation into metadiscourse in student essays

LIF2015 - LANGUAGE IN FOCUS, Nevşehir, Türkiye, 5 - 07 Mart 2015

Development of a Scholarly Writing Strategies Scale

LIF-2015 Language in Focus Conference Modern Perspectives on Theory, Research, and Praxis in ELT and SLA, Nevşehir, Türkiye, 5 - 07 Mart 2015, ss.47

Influence of prior experiences on pre-service language teachers' perception of teaching

Proceedings of the 1st GlobELT Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language, Antalya, Türkiye, 16 - 19 Nisan 2015, cilt.199, ss.777-784 identifier

Construction and Validation of a Scholarly Writing Efficacy Instrument

The International Journal of Arts Sciences (IJAS) International Conference for Academic Disciplines Rome, Roma, İtalya, 28 - 31 Ekim 2014

Expressing claim: Hedges in English Language Learners’ Writing

International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Roma, İtalya, 28 Ekim 2014, cilt.4, ss.263-269

TEFL Certificate Language Teacher candidates beliefs about language learning

8th International ELT Research Conference, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 15 - 17 Mayıs 2014

English language teachers self efficacy beliefs about technology integration

8th International ELT Research Conference, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 15 - 17 Mayıs 2014

Vocabulary size and collocational knowledge Are they related

8th International ELT Research Conference, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 15 - 17 Mayıs 2014

Are we culturally responsive A case study on English Language Teacher Education program

2nd International Conference of Research in Education Conference, İzmir, Türkiye, 25 - 27 Nisan 2014

Teachers of the Future Insights for Teacher Preparation from Professional Reflections of Teachers in Turkey and USA

9th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 15 - 18 Mayıs 2013

Boosters in native and non-native argumentative learner essays

4th International Conference of Language and Communication, Nonthaburi, Tayland, 13 - 15 Aralık 2012, ss.1

The Challenges and Needs of Turkish Scholars in English Academic Writing

4th International Conference of Language and Communication, Nonthaburi, Tayland, 13 - 14 Aralık 2012

How do pre-service English language teachers perceive their self-efficacy regarding web pedagogical content knowledge?

6th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium, Gaziantep, Türkiye, 04 Ekim 2012, ss.1

An Analysis of Metadiscoursal Features in Foreign Language Learner Corpus

2012 College Conference on Composition and Communication: Gateways, Thresholds, and Portals: Dialogues about International Higher Education Writing Research, St. Louis, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 21 - 24 Mart 2012

Students' perceptions of video-conferencing in the classrooms in higher education

Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research (CY-ICER), CYPRUS, 8 - 11 Şubat 2012, cilt.47, ss.357-361 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier

A frequency analysis of vocabulary in two K12 textbooks of English

3rd International Congress of Educational Research, Girne, Kıbrıs (Kktc), 4 - 07 Mayıs 2011, ss.1225-1238

Bir Çapraz Çözümleme Tükçe ve İngilizce Yazılı Metinlerde Bağlaç Kullanımı

24. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, Ankara, Türkiye, 17 - 18 Mayıs 2010, ss.354-362

In search of pre-service EFL certificate teachers' attitudes towards technology

1st World Conference on Information Technology, WCIT-2010, İstanbul, Türkiye, 6 - 10 Ekim 2010, cilt.3, ss.666-671 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier identifier

Pre service EFL teachers opinions on the use of English as a medium of instruction in Turkish context

International Conference on new trends in Education and their Implications, Antalya, Türkiye, 11 - 13 Kasım 2010, ss.822-828

Bir Çapraz Çözümleme: Türkçe Ve Ingilizce Yazılı Metinlerde Bağlaç Kullanımı

24. Dilbilim Kurultayı, Ankara, Türkiye, 17 - 18 Mayıs 2010, cilt.1, ss.355-365

Are you listening? A case study of listening strategies employed by students in a university context

The Second International Congress of Educational Research, Antalya, Türkiye, 29 Nisan 2010, ss.60-61

Changes in passive and active vocabulary over time

44th IATEFL Conference, Harrogate, İngiltere, 07 Nisan 2010, cilt.1, ss.135

Which words worth teaching relationship between lexical knowledge and academic success in an English language teacher education programme

International Conference of the Faculty of Philology: Building Bridges, Almaata, Kazakistan, 24 - 25 Nisan 2009, ss.343-345

The relation between parents' attitudes and very young learners' motivation and achievement

4th International ELT Research Conference, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 26 Mayıs 2005, cilt.1, ss.221-225 Creative Commons License

Strategy preferences in receptive skills

4th International ELT Research Conference, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 26 Mayıs 2005, cilt.1, ss.23-33

Critical questions in teaching critical thinking

Science, Education and Time as Our Concern Conference, Smolyan, Bulgaristan, 30 Kasım - 01 Aralık 2007, ss.29-32

Yabancı dil öğretmeni yetiştirmede okul deneyim etkinliklerine bir bakış

Türkiye’xxde Yabancı Dil Eğitimi Ulusal Kongresi, Ankara, Türkiye, 22 - 23 Kasım 2007, ss.158-162

Relationship between the second language teachers teaching style preferences and learners age

Fourth Balkan Congress: Education, the Balkans, Europe, Stara-Zagora, Bulgaristan, 22 - 24 Haziran 2007, ss.286-290

Standards for foreign language teaching

Fourth Balkan Cogress: Education, the Balkans, Europe, Stara-Zagora, Bulgaristan, 22 - 24 Haziran 2007, ss.252-257

Let em respond freely A case study on the teaching of literature

2nd International ELT Research Conference, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 23 - 25 Mayıs 2001

Learner strategies and preferences of ELT students

2nd International ELT Research Conference, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 23 - 25 Mayıs 2001

Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

Critical Thinking as a 21st-Century Teaching Competency

21s Century Skills in Language Education, Feryal Çubukçu, Editör, Eğiten Kitap, Ankara, ss.53-74, 2023


Critical Thinking: Theory and Practice, Çubukçu F., Editör, Pegem A Yayıncılık, Ankara, ss.153-166, 2019

Problem-based learning in language classroom

Contemporary Issues in ELT, Özcan Demirel, Editör, Pegem A Yayıncılık, Ankara, ss.111-122, 2019 Creative Commons License

Cognitive Approach

Approaches and Principles in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Education, Servet Çelik, Editör, Egiten Kitap, Ankara, ss.55-78, 2014

Teaching listening to young learners

Handbook for Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners in Primary Schools, Haznedar,Belma,Uysal H. Hande, Editör, Anı Yayıncılık, Ankara, ss.121-134, 2012

Öğrenen Yeterlilikleri

Diller için Avrupa Ortak Başvuru Metni Öğrenme Öğretme Değerlendirme, , Editör, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Ankara, ss.96-123, 2009




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