Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
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Hakemli Bilimsel Toplantılarda Yayımlanmış Bildiriler

Kara Ve Denizcilik Sektöründe Kullanilan Gaz Temizleyiciler (Scrubbers) Hakkinda Literatür İncelemesi

3rd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SHIP AND MARINE TECHNOLOGY (SHIP-MAR 2024), Trabzon, Türkiye, 10 - 12 Aralık 2024, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-10 Creative Commons License

İçtekinin döndüğü dıştakinin sabit olduğu silindirler arasındaki Newtonyen-olmayan Taylor-Coutte akışının hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği ile tahmin edilmesi

8th International ICONTECH congress on Innovative Surveys in Positive Sciences, Baku, Azerbaycan, 16 - 18 Mart 2024, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.626-633

Detached Eddy Simulations of Air Flow Around NATO-Generic Destroyer

The 4th International Naval Architecture and Maritime Symposium (INT-NAM 2023) , İstanbul, Türkiye, 11 - 13 Ekim 2023, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-10

Acoustic Ventilation Metamaterial for Simultaneous Noise Reduction and Air Circulation

4th International Naval Architecture and Maritime Symposium (Int-Nam 2023), İstanbul, Türkiye, 11 - 13 Ekim 2023, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-9

Effects of the Nozzle Location on Hydrodynamic Properties of a Venturi- Type Scrubber

The 3rd international conference on innovative academic studies (ICIAS-2023), Konya, Türkiye, 26 - 28 Eylül 2023, cilt.3, sa.1, ss.107-111 Creative Commons License Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Numerical Investigation of Free Rotor Aerodynamics for Ship-Rotor Interaction

6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA 2023), İstanbul, Türkiye, 10 - 13 Mayıs 2023, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-7

On the Computational Aerodynamics of a Generic Frigate

2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology, İstanbul, Türkiye, 16 - 18 Eylül 2021

1-DOF 2D URANS Simulatiom of Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Cylinder with Different Damping Paremeters

4th International Congress on Engineering, Architecture and Design, İstanbul, Türkiye, 23 - 24 Nisan 2019, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-10

Numerical Investigation of Fridsma Hull

1st International Symposium on Graduate Research in Science: Focus on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, İstanbul, Türkiye, 04 Ekim 2018, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-5

Two-Dimensional Numerical Solution of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow over a Grooved Circular Cylinder

1st International Symposium on Graduate Research in Science Focus on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, İstanbul, Türkiye, 04 Ekim 2018, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-5

Implementation of Bell Spanload Wing Design to the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

The 3rd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime ( INT-NAM 2018 ), İstanbul, Türkiye, 23 Nisan 2018, cilt.3, sa.1, ss.1-10

Heat and Fluid Flow Analyses of an Impinging Jet on a Cubic Body

2nd International Conference on Energy Systems (ICES 2016), Isparta, Türkiye, 21 Aralık 2016, ss.1-10

CFD Analysis of Ventilation System for an Engine Room

1st International Ship and Marine Technology Congress (SHIP-MAR 2016), İstanbul, Türkiye, 08 Aralık 2016, ss.1-6

Unsteady Flow Over Bodies Located In Line Horizontally and Vertically

International Mechanical Engineering and Technologies Conference (MECHATECH`16), İstanbul, Türkiye, 17 - 18 Mayıs 2016, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-6

Resistance Analysis of a Benchmark Ship – A Computational Application

18th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, Arezzo, İtalya, 28 - 30 Eylül 2015, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.59-64

Heat Transfer and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis of a Fin Heat Sink with Various Configurations

International Congress on Natural and Engineering Sciences, 09-13 September 2015, Sarajevo, Bosna-Hersek, 9 - 13 Eylül 2015, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-8

Computational Investigation of Unsteady Flow Past a Confined Cylinder of Various Cross-Sections

International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics, İstanbul, Türkiye, 20 - 21 Haziran 2013, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-8

Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of the Staggered Slotted Semi-Cylinders in a Cross Flow Heat Exchangers

65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, California, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 18 - 20 Kasım 2012, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-4

Investigation of the Effects of Different Keel Geometries on a Sailing Yacht

9th International Conference on Hydrydynamics in Ship Design (HYDROMAN 2012), Gdansk, Polonya, 19 - 21 Eylül 2012, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-10

Investigation of the Effects of Gurney Flap on the Lift of NACA 0012 Airfoil in Varying Lengths,

19th International Conference on Hydrydynamics in Ship Design (HYDROMAN 2012), 19 th-21th September, 2012, Ilawa, POLAND, Gdansk, Polonya, 19 - 21 Eylül 2012, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-10

Turbulent Flow Computations for Slender Ships with Free Surface

The First International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2011), 24-25 October 2011, Istanbul, TURKIYE., İstanbul, Türkiye, 24 - 25 Ekim 2011, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-8

Computational Flow Analysis of a Submarine

Manufacturing and Advances Technologies (MAT 2010), 18-20 November 2010, Mostar, BOSNIA HERZEGOVIA., Mostar, Bosna-Hersek, 18 - 20 Kasım 2010, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-6

Current Naval Architecture Education, Demand and Expectations of Sector

International Conference on New Horizons in Education, Famagusta, Kıbrıs (Kktc), 23 Haziran 2010, ss.152-157

Modeling of a HVAC Unit in a Room for Performance Analysis

10th Rehva World Congress on Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings (CLIMA 2010), Antalya, Türkiye, 9 - 12 Mayıs 2010, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-7

Mixing of Air and CO2 Study on a Turbine Blade

International Symposium on Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine Systems, (TURBINE-09), 09-14 August 2009, Antalya, TURKEY, Antalya, Türkiye, 9 - 14 Ağustos 2009, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-4

Flowfield Analysis of a Rudder by Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

5th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS-09), 13-15 May 2009, Karabuk, TURKEY., Karabük, Türkiye, 13 - 15 Mayıs 2009, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-5

Determining optimum geometry for a bow thruster propeller

8th Symposium on High Speed Marine Vehicles, HSMV 2008, Naples, İtalya, 21 - 23 Mayıs 2008, ss.109-113 identifier

Effects of Improvement of Mesh Structure on the Computational Analysis

European Conference for Academic Disciplines organized by Proceedings of International Journal of Arts&Sciences Conference), 01-04 December 2008, Freiburg, Almanya, 1 - 04 Aralık 2008, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-7

Systematic Design: Analysis of Natural Systems and Synectics Approach

European Conference for Academic Disciplines organized by Proceedings of the International Journal of Arts & Sciences Conference, 01-04 December 2008, Freiburg, Almanya, 1 - 04 Aralık 2008, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-8

CFD and analytical analysis of exhaust system of a gas turbine used in a ship

International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2007), Ioannina, Yunanistan, 16 - 20 Ekim 2007, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-5 identifier

Investigation of the Effects of Turbulence on a 2-D Rib Roughened Channel

11th International Research/Expert Conference ”Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology”, (TMT 2007), Tunis, Tunus, 5 - 09 Eylül 2007, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-4

CFD Investigation of Normal Jet in a Crossflow by Using Reynolds Stress Turbulence Model

11th International Research/Expert Conference on Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technologies (TMT 2007), 05-09 September, 2007, Hammamet, TUNISIA, Tunis, Tunus, 5 - 09 Eylül 2007, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-4

Large Eddy Simulation and Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Approaches of Rib Roughened Channel

11th International Research/Expert Conference ”Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” (TMT 2007), Tunis, Tunus, 5 - 09 Eylül 2007, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-4

Computational analysis of wind velocity and direction efefects on a sail

2nd International Conference on Marine Research and Transportation ICMRT-07, 28-30 June 2007, Ischia, Naples, Italy, Naples, İtalya, 28 - 30 Haziran 2007, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-8

Computational Investigation of a Hull

International Conference on Marine Research and Transportation (ICMRT-07), 28-30 June, 2007, Ischia Island, ITALY., Naples, İtalya, 28 - 30 Haziran 2007, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-5

NOx emissions from small craft

An International Conference on Small Craft Related Sciences and Engineering (SMALL CRAFT 2006), Muğla, Türkiye, 16 - 18 Kasım 2006, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-5

Numerical Analysis of Elevated Jet in Crossflow

Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS2006), 12-14 July 2006, Iraklion, Yunanistan, 12 - 14 Temmuz 2006, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-8

Naval Architecture Education in Turkey and Courses Overlapping/Differences between Developed Countries at Ship Building in the World

SEFI 34th Annual Conference on Engineering Education and Active Students, Uppsala, İsveç, 28 Haziran - 01 Temmuz 2006, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-10

Çapraz Akıştaki Türbülanslı Sıcak Jet Akışlarının CFD Analizi

15. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (ULIBTK-05), Trabzon, Türkiye, 7 - 09 Eylül 2005, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-6

CFD Analysis of Jet Flow in Crossflow

The 2nd International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES 2), 03-07 July 2005, Kos Island, GREECE., Korinthos, Yunanistan, 3 - 05 Temmuz 2005, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-6

Computational Analysis of Flow Field in Grooved and Ribbed Pipes

Proceedings of the 1st Cappadocia International Mechanical Engineering Symposium (CMES-04), Nevşehir, Türkiye, 14 - 16 Temmuz 2004, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-7

The Aerodynamic Wind Loads of a Naval Surface Combatant in Model Scale

New Technologies, Development and Application V, Isak Karabegović,Ahmed Kovačević,Sadko Mandžuka, Editör, Springer Nature, Zug, ss.68-76, 2022 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Section 2: Energy Systems and Analyses

Exergetic, Energetic and Environmental Dimensions, Ibrahim Dincer Can Ozgur Colpan Onder KizilkanHardcover ISBN: 9780128137345Imprint: Academic PressPublished Date: 26th September 2017Page Count: 1116, Editör, Elsevier, Cambridge, ss.677-692, 2017



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