WoS Araştırma Alanları:
Sosyal Bilimler (SOC), Sosyal Bilimler Genel, EĞİTİM VE EĞİTİM ARAŞTIRMASI
Avesis Araştırma Alanları:
Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler, Eğitim, Yabancı Diller Eğitimi, İngilizce Eğitimi
Yayınlardaki İsimler:
Arzu Ekoç-Özçelik, Arzu Ekoç
Dr. Arzu Ekoç Özçelik received her BA from Translation and Interpreting Studies from Boğaziçi University and her Master’s in ELT from Istanbul University. She completed her PhD in ELT at Istanbul University. She worked as a lecturer (PhD) in the School of Foreign Languages between 2006-2022 and now, she has been working as an assistant professor in the School of Foreign Languages at Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul, Turkey. She was granted the title of Associate Professor by the Inter-University Council in March 2023. Her research interests are learner identity, higher education and continuing education, continuing professional development for teachers, EMI, metadiscourse and second-language writing.
- E-posta
- arzuekoc@yildiz.edu.tr
- Diğer E-posta
- arzuekoc@gmail.com
- Web Sayfası
- https://avesis.yildiz.edu.tr/arzuekoc