Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

The Effect of Chemical Pretreatments on the Drying Behavior of Blueberries

10th International Conference on New Trends in Chemistry, Budapest, Macaristan, 19 - 21 Nisan 2024, ss.27-28

The Effect of Ultrasonic Pretreatment Duration on the Drying Kinetics of Red Berries

10th International Conference on New Trends in Chemistry, Budapest, Macaristan, 19 - 21 Nisan 2024, ss.74-75

Altın Çilek Meyvesinin Kurutulmasında Ultrasonik Ön İşlemlerin Etkisinin İncelenmesi

15. Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 4 - 07 Eylül 2023, ss.27-28

The Effect Of Ultrasound Pretreatment on the Oven and Vacuum Oven Drying Kinetics of Blueberries

9th International Conference on New Trends in Chemistry, Skopje, Makedonya, 19 - 21 Mayıs 2023, ss.63-64

The Investigation of Oven and Vacuum Oven Drying Kinetics and Mathematical Modelling of Golden Berries

1st International Karatekin Science and Technology Conference, Çankırı, Türkiye, 1 - 03 Eylül 2022, ss.68-69

The Treatment of Detergent Industry Wastewaters by Supercritical Water Oxidation

5th International Conference on New Trends in Chemistry, Athens, Yunanistan, 22 - 24 Nisan 2019, ss.51 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Supercritical Water Gasification of Isopropanol and Isobutanol: An Alternative Approach for Energy Production

6th Annual International Conference on Chemistry, Athens, Yunanistan, 23 - 26 Temmuz 2018, ss.30

The treatment of landfill leachate by supercritical water oxidation with the use of Ni/Al2O3 catalyst

International Conference on Energy and Thermal Engineering: Istanbul 2017, İstanbul, Türkiye, 25 - 28 Nisan 2017, ss.666-670

Catalytic Gasification of Methanol at Supercritical Water Conditions

International Conference on Energy and Thermal Engineering: Istanbul 2017, İstanbul, Türkiye, 25 - 28 Nisan 2017, ss.865

Hydrogen and Fuel Gas Production from Isobutanol Over Pt/Al2O3Catalyst by Supercritical Water Gasification

International Conference on Energy and Thermal Engineering: Istanbul 2017, İstanbul, Türkiye, 25 - 28 Nisan 2017, ss.866

Süperkritik su ortamında etanolden hidrojen üretiminde Pt/Al2O3 katalizörünün etkisi

12. Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi, İzmir, Türkiye, 23 - 26 Ağustos 2016, ss.219-220

Süperkritik su ortamında Pt/Al2O3 katalizörü kullanarak çeşitli alkollerden hidrojen üretimi

11. Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 2 - 05 Eylül 2014, ss.1-5 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

The treatment of landfill leachate by supercritical water oxidation

EurAsia Waste Management Symposium, İstanbul, Türkiye, 28 - 30 Nisan 2014, ss.264-270

The effect of catalyst use on the gasification of olive mill wastewater at supercritical conditions

EurAsia Waste Management Symposium, İstanbul, Türkiye, 28 - 30 Nisan 2014, ss.822-827

Catalytic supercritical water gasification of 2-propanol: the effect of Fe-Cr catalyst on gasification and hydrogen yields

International Journal of Arts and Sciences’ International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Vienna, Avusturya, 6 - 10 Nisan 2014, ss.1-5

Hydrogen and biofuel production from 2-propanol over Ru/Al2O3 catalyst in supercritical water

ICCEAC 2013: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Rome, İtalya, 26 - 27 Eylül 2013, ss.1109-1112

Catalytic gasification of olive mill wastewater as a biomass source under supercritical conditions

ICCEAC 2013: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Rome, Italy, September 26-27, Rome, İtalya, 26 - 27 Eylül 2013, ss.1103-1108

Hydrogen rich fuel gas production from 2-propanol using Pt/Al2O3 and Ni/Al2O3 catalysts in supercritical water

ICCE 2012: International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Paris, Fransa, 28 - 29 Kasım 2012, ss.1767-1771

Simultaneous treatment and catalytic gasification of olive mill wastewater under supercritical conditions

ICCE 2012: International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Paris, Fransa, 28 - 29 Kasım 2012, ss.1636-1642 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Bir biyokütle olarak zeytin karasuyunun süperkritik su koşullarında gazlaştırılması

10. Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 3 - 06 Eylül 2012, ss.281-282

Süperkritik su ortamında 2-propanolün katalitik gazlaştırılması

10. Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 3 - 06 Eylül 2012, ss.283-284

The effect of oxygen on the gasification of biomass in supercritical water

12th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, İspanya, 15 - 18 Kasım 2011, ss.1

The evaluation of different wastewaters as an energy source through their treatment by supercritical water gasification

12th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, İspanya, 15 - 18 Kasım 2011, ss.1 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Hydrothermal gasification of industrial wastewater at supercritical conditions

9th Conference on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications, Naples, İtalya, 5 - 08 Eylül 2010, ss.427-432

Hydrothermal gasification of biomass in supercritical water

9th Conference on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications, Naples, İtalya, 5 - 08 Eylül 2010, ss.413-419

The treatment of wastewaters by supercritical water oxidation

ULE2009 / International Workshop on Urbanization, Land Use, Land Degradation, and Environment, Denizli, Türkiye, 28 Eylül - 01 Ekim 2009, ss.1-5 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Hydrogen Production by Supercritical Water Gasification of Biomass

Production of Hydrogen from Renewable Resources, Zhen Fang,Richard L. Smith,Jr.,Xinhua Qi, Editör, Springer, London/Berlin , Dordrecht, ss.179-220, 2015 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma



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