Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Articles Published in Other Journals
MOCVD ile büyütülen GaN p-i-n yapısındaki sarı ışık merkezinin elektro-optik ölçümlerle incelenmesi
Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
, vol.12, no.1, pp.207-216, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
Luminescence Properties of In-Rich InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Wells Light Emitting Diodes
Turkish Physical Society International Physics Congress, Muğla, Turkey, 05 September 2018
Simultaneous Determination of Electron and Hole Mobility in InGaN/GaN Multi Quantum Well LED Through AC Admittance Spectroscopy
Turkish Physical Society International Physics Congress, Muğla, Turkey, 05 September 2018
Light Emission Bands of InGaN/GaN MQW based LED in P-I-N Structures
Turkish Physical Society International Physics Congress, Muğla, Turkey, 05 September 2018
Determination of Conduction Path in InGaN/GaN MQW LED by Current-Voltage and Admittance Measurements
Turkish Physical Society International Physics Congress, Muğla, Turkey, 05 September 2018
Effect of Ni-63 Radiations on MBE Grown GaN in p-i-n Structure by Admittance Spectroscopy
XL BRAZILIAN MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 03 September 2017, pp.1
MBE tekniği ile büyütülmüş p-i-n GaN yapıdaki Ni-63 radyasyon etkisinin empedans spektroskopisiyle incelenmesi
XI. Ulusal Nükleer Bilimler ve Teknolojileri Kongresi, Aydın, Turkey, 12 October 2016
Betavoltaic study on GaN p-i-n diode with Ni-63 source
Science and Applications of Thin Films, Congress & Exhibition - SATF 2016, İzmir, Turkey, 19 September 2016
Negatıve capacıtance in InP/InGaAsP/InP quantum dashes assessed through dc and ac electrıcal measurements.
Turkish Physical Society 32nd International Physics Congress, Muğla, Turkey, 06 September 2016
Electrolumınescence study of MBE (Molecular Beam Epıtaxy) grown InP/InGnAnP/InAs/InP p-i-n laser heterostructure
Turkish Physical Society 32nd International Physics Congress, Muğla, Turkey, 06 September 2016
Transport Mechanisms of InAs/InP Quantum Dashes and InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Based p-i-n Laser Heterostructure
2 nd International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies (OEMT2016), Çanakkale, Turkey, 16 May 2016
Photo-voltaic Properties and Carrier Conduction Mechanisms of InP/InGaAsP/InP Quantum Well Through J-V-T Measurements
SOLAR-TR3, Ankara, Turkey, 27 April 2016
Investigation of Potential to Produce Electricity from Commercial Solar Cell Through Beta Particles
APMAS 2013, Antalya, Turkey, 15 April 2013
Nuclear Battery: Betavoltaic Power Source and Applications
SUNEC-2012, Sicily, Italy, 08 October 2012
Hafif Atom Numaralı Hedef İçine Gönderilen Ağır İyonların Dağılımının İncelenmesi
Turkish Physical Society 28. International Physics Conference, 5 - 08 December 2011