In the attached file are your final exam notes, Please if your note is not written send me an email.
In the file attached, you have the marks for all the experiments and the average for each student. Red color means you failed because of lack of attendance.
Please answer on your own as it will be helpful for your final exam
7 Ocak 2025, 08:00 am
The last experiment will be conducted not next week but the week after. Next week is allocated for make-up
Next week will be allocated for make-up experiment; Students who brought health reports can come to complete the experiment they missed on the date of the report.
There are 2 options:
- You either complete the experiment and get its mark.
- Or get a 0 for that experiment but it wont count for attendance.
Students who want to complete the experiment please send me an email beforehand.
- Next week's experiment will be conducted using PLCs, the password for the link is the same as the course's password.
- Please check Readme file and prepare for the experiment beforehand.
- No pre-report will be submitted for this experiment.
- Experiment's files can be accessed from here
Good luck everyone !
Next week there will be no experiment. The week after that there will be an orientation and PLC Experiment at the same time
This is the material list for the next 2 experiments, as for the 10th experiment (DC Motor Control) it will be announced later.
The Material list will be posted later next week, for the 7th experiment please get the Material that are written in the experiment sheet
Please solve the questions by your own.
26.11.2024 - 08:00 AM
For Experiment 7 get the materials that are written in the experiment sheet until we announce the material list for future experiments
Please don't forget to bring the materials as no extra materials will be given.
Please don't copy any answers from AI Directly although you can use it for assistance.
Please name you file and email subject as INTENDED
As you know tomorrow is an official holiday so there will be no laboratory experiment; as for the make up of experiment 4, it will be divided into 2 weeks. So in experiment 5 which is the 6th week we will make 1 and half experiment (Experiment 5 and the 1st part of experiment 4) and in the 7th week we will make Experiment 6 and the 2nd part of experiment 4).
NOTE: For the 7th week, taking into consideration your feedback we can postpone the 2nd part of experiment 4 to after midterms, but the the 1st part will be done next week regardless.
For the pre-report, i want you to submit pre-reports for the 4th experiment and 5th experiment next week at the same deadline.
Please answer the questions by your own for your benefit, Any cheating and Copy and Paste of AI generated answers will NOT BE TOLERATED and will receive 0
Each team must bring their own report sheet, please read the report before coming to the experiment
Please submit within the deadline, please try answering by yourself it will be useful for you, don't answer just for the marks.
Only 1 report is needed for each team, reading the experiment sheet before the experiment will be beneficial for you.
Material List needs to be brought for the first 6 experiments, EACH team must bring their OWN materials and components
If there is a mistake with the teams please send me an email. Only students who attended the orientation can choose their teammates