Hello everyone,
Next week's (Thu 19/12) KOM3782 Electronic Circuits and Measurement Lab session is cancelled. Experiments will continue on the following week. Documents regarding Experiment 10 will be shared some time during next week.
Attached is the grades chart to be updated to announce the grades until the end of the semester.
- Midterm objections received via email have been shared with and evaluated by Res. Asst. Berkem Vural.
Attached are the experiment sheet and pre-experiment report template for experiment 9.
Attached is a list of the required materials for the next 2 experiments. There have been some changes in the required ICs from last year. Please check the materials and the other instructions carefully.
Attached are the experiment sheet and pre-experiment report template for experiment 8.
Attached are the experiment sheet and pre-experiment report template for experiment 7.
Attached are the experiment sheet and pre-experiment report template for experiment 6.
Attached are the experiment sheet and pre-experiment report template for experiment 5.
Attached are the experiment sheet and pre-experiment report template for experiment 4.
- Please name the files carefully and send only .pdf files.
Attached are the experiment sheet and pre-experiment report template for experiment 3.
- There have been some serious issues with using ChatGPT and other AI tools to generate answers in the pre-experiment reports so far.
- As you have been notified in the orientation week, while I do encourage using such tools to supplement your answers or to help with writing the report, using them to generate whole answers to questions -and yes, generated texts are easy to spot- is considered to have a negative effect on the process of this course, and thus, will not be tolerated.
- Therefore, starting with experiment 3, any report that includes any text that is deemed to have been fully generated using AI will not be evaluated and the team who submitted the report will receive a 0 (zero) on their pre-experiment report grade.
- Further violation of this rule may result in more serious consequences later on in the semester.
Attached are the experiment sheet and pre-experiment report template for experiment 2.
- Pay attention to naming the files and the subjects of the emails according to format before sending them. Failing to do that may result in a negative penalty on your pre-experiment grade.
- There have been violations of the lab rules during the last experiment. Further violations may force an introduction of a rule for negative performance penalties for violations. Make sure
- not to leave anything not related to the experiment on the table, this includes water bottles, as it may disrupt the experiment,
- to tidy up the table after finishing the experiment, this includes throwing away trash, disconnecting cables and collecting them tidily, turning off the electricity cord, bringing any items you may have used back to its place, etc.,
- not to speak loudly in the lab for any reason, and particularly, do not ask for help from people out of your team,
- to take the responsibility of preparing your experiment material and multimeter seriously as errors in the calculations and results resulting from malfunctioning material or multimeter are the teams' responsibility.
Experiment Sheet for Experiment 1, which will be held on Oct 10th.
Requirements for the pre-experiment report: Write clearly
- what will be done in the experiment,
- the purpose of the experiment,
- and the answers to the questions in the experiment sheet for each part of the experiment.
- You do not need to do any simulations for the first experiment.
- Use the template attached below for the report.
- Send pre-experiment reports to my email (ammar.savva@yildiz.edu.tr) before the deadline which is 30 minutes before the start of each experiment, i.e., Thursdays at 12:30 PM.
- Pay attention to email subject and file name and make sure to keep them in format GRNo_TeamNo_ExpNo_KOM3782.
Best regards.
A list of the materials used throughout the semester along with some rules to be followed in the lab.
- Material exchange during the experiment is strictly frowned upon.
- You are free to contact other teams in other groups to exchange materials.
Attached is the syllabus for the course.
If any problem is faced while downloading MATLAB, please consider doing the following,
- Go to https://www.mathworks.com/downloads/ and log in to your Mathworks account.
- If you do not already have an account, click on "Create one!" and create an account using your student email (ending with @std.yildiz.edu.tr)
- Click on "Download for Windows" to start the download.
- While installing please make sure to download all toolboxes related to course content, i.e., Symbolic Toolbox and Simulink.
- As we will be using them extensively in the next years, I recommend, if possible, to download Simscape and Control Systems Toolbox for the least. Try playing around with them. Do not hesitate to contact me by email for a more comprehensive list. If enough people are interested I can share more content around that here on Avesis.
Wish you all the best,