Sustainability-Economical-Environmental and Social Sustainability lecture notes are uploaded.
MSE 2711 Material Science Week 9 lecture notes are uploaded.
MSE 2711 Material Science Week 8 lecture
notes are uploaded.
MSE 2711 Material Science Week 7 lecture
notes are uploaded.
Dear All,
The groups and allocated subjects are listed in the enclosed document.
Tümünü İndir
The Nondestructive Testing 2024 Presentation Schedule is given.
The presentations will be held face-to-face during the lecture time.
Characterization Techniques lecture schedule is enclosed.
The presentations will be held online.
The online links for the meetings are given in the timetable.
Tahribatsız Muayeneler dersi Sunum Takviminde bir değişiklik yapılmıştır. Son hali ektedir.
Sunumlar ders saatinde yüz yüze yapılacaktır.
Karakterizasyon Teknikleri Sunum Takvimi ektedir.
Sunumlar online olarak saat 20:00- 22:00 arasında gerçekleştirilecektir.
Online toplantı linkleri sunum takviminde verilmiştir.
Tahribatsız Muayeneler Sunum Grupları ve konuları ektedir.
Nondestructive Testing 2024 Presentation Groups and Subjects are listed.
Karakterizasyon Sunum Grupları ve Konu dağılımları ektedir.
Characterization Methods 2024 Presentation groups are listed.
The final version of the lecture notes for the Introduction to Met&Mat&Eng Ethics is enclosed.
Carbon nanotubes production, properties and applications lecture notes are uploaded.
The lecture hands out for the Nanomaterials and their nanobilogical applications are posted.
Lecture hands out for Physical and Chemical Properties of nanomaterials postgraduate lecture are posted.
Lecture hands out for Physical and Chemical Properties of nanomaterials postgraduate lecture are posted.
Dear all the hand out for the production of nanoparticles are posted.
Dear all, the first hands out for the Introduction to Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials is uploaded to the system.
Dear all, the first hands out for the Introduction to Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials is uploaded to the system.
XRay Powder diffraction method lecture notes are enclosed.
Characterization Techniques Presentation Groups and Subjects is listed.
Characterization Techniques Presentation Schedule is enclosed.
Dear All,
Nanomaterials and Their Biomedical Applications lecture presentations will be held online.
Please refer to YTU online education system via
Best Regards.
Professor Dr. Figen KAYA
Dear all,
The presentation schedule is given here.
You should be uploading a report and a presentation based on the subject title that you have been assigned by 23rd of December.
There is no page limit for the report, referances should be included in the text as well as referance list.
The presentation will be between 25-30 minutes.
The online system lets you to upload one file, therefore he report and presentation should be merged as one PDF file.
If you have any questions you could email me on my email adress given below.
Best of luck.
Presentation groups and timetable for second midterm activity
Dear all,
I hope that you are all OK.
I am writing to you regarding the midterm examination and the lecture notes.
I have noticed that some of you are not attending the lecture every week.
This is fine by me as I know that many of you are also working part-time.
But I would like to point you out that in order to pass this lecture, You should be submitting and presenting a semester homework based on the subject of nanomaterials and their applications in Biomedicine. Your midterm grades will be awarded to you from this activity.
You are also required to sit for the final examination which will be held face to face at the end of the semester.
The lecture notes will be uploaded to my Avesis website for the final exam.
Coming back tı the semester homework and
presentation, since we are now in week 7, I will be expecting the subjects that
you selected for this assignment this week.
Please send an email stating your name, student number, and the subject that you have chosen by the end of this week.
I will be assigning the subjects to you next week if you will not send me these emails and announce the list and the presentation timetable on my Avesis website.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me in person or via email.
Best regards.
Professor Dr. Figen KAYA
Nanomaterials Presentation groups, subjects and timetable 2021
Nondestructive Testing presentation groups are listed as given.
Characterization Techniques presentation subjects and the group list is enclosed.
Karakterizasyon Teknikleri dersinde 2. vize olarak değerlendirilecek sunum konuları ekte verilmiştir.
Dear all, please find the listed name of students who will participate in the compensation exam.
Details of the exam are given in the
ömer berat 20 points question is missing
irem eren 20 and10 points questions are missing
damla bıçakçı 20 points question is missing
Carlos 10 points question is missing
Samir 20 points question is missing
Yunus Emre 10 points question is missing
Tuğçe çakıcı 10 points question is missing
mehmet orhan 20 points question is missing
İrem Ceylan 20 and 10 points questions are missing
Doğukan 20 points question is missing
Murat Oğulcan 20 points question is missing
Nuh Mete 20 and 10 points questions are missing
The second midterm grades will be given from the report that each group will be submitted on the 16th of December and the presentation that will be given on the timetable given in the attached pdf file.
The reports and presentations will be submitted to
The second midterm grades will be given from the report that each group will be submitted on the 16th of December and the presentation that will be given on the timetable given in the attached pdf file.
The reports and presentations will be submitted to
Presentation Groups for Introduction to Met and Mat Eng. are given as follows.
The distribution of groups and subjects assigned to each group are given below.