Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Preperation Graphene oxide-poly(amidoamine) dendrimer nanohybrid material modified electrode for enhancing capacitance

13th International Conference on Electrochemistry, Barcelona, İspanya, 27 - 28 Mayıs 2019, cilt.10, sa.1, ss.46

Surface Modifable Dendrimers as Efcient DrugCarriers of Sulfamethoxazole SMZ as ModelDrug

46th IUPAC World Polymer Congress (MACRO 2016), İstanbul, Türkiye, 17 - 21 Temmuz 2016

Introducton of Catalytcal Property to thePAMAM type Dendrimers

46th IUPAC World Polymer Congress (MACRO 2016), İstanbul, Türkiye, 17 - 21 Temmuz 2016

Poliamidoamin (PAMAM) Dendrimerlere İyonik Sıvı Kristal Özellik Kazandırılması,S12

V. Ulusal Polimer Bilim ve Teknoloji Kongresi ve Sergisi, Tokat, Türkiye, 01 Eylül 2014, ss.22

Synthesis Of Dendritic Macroramolecules And Their Metal Complexation Studies

44 World Chemistry Congress, İstanbul, Türkiye, 11 - 16 Ağustos 2013, cilt.1, ss.517

Selective Metal Complexation Of Novel Dendritic Macromolecules

44th World Chemistry Congress, İstanbul, Türkiye, 11 - 16 Ağustos 2013, cilt.2, ss.1276

Dendrimers as Potentials Drug Carriers, Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Pamam Type Dendrimers

Symposium on Drug Research and Development, From Chemistry to Medicine, 01 Mayıs 2011, cilt.1, ss.35-36

Pharmological Investigation of PPO Based Dendritic Macromolecules

MAM-08, 4th IUPAC-Sponsored International Symposium on Macro-and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials Synthesis, Properties and Applications, 01 Eylül 2008

Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Novel PAMAM type Dendrimers and Their catalytical Activities

2nd Symposium on Microwave Accelerated Synthesis, M.A.S.-07, 01 Eylül 2007

Catalytic Properties of Polyamido Dendrimers

9th IUPAC Euroasia Conference on Chemical Sciences (EUAS C2S-9), 01 Eylül 2006

Novel Building Blocks for Cascade Synthesis

11. IUPAC Int. Symp. on Macromolecular-Metal Complexes, 01 Eylül 2005
Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

1- Bağlar ve Molekül Yapısı, 2-Karbon Bileşikleri Topluluğu

Organik Kimya 11.Basımdan Çeviri, Prof. Dr. Cavit Uyanık, Editör, Literatür -Yayıncılık, İstanbul, ss.1-97, 2016

Karbon Bileşikleri ve Kimyasal Bağlar +

Organik Kimya 11 Basım dan Çeviri CİLTLİ Graham Solomons, Uyanık, Cavit, Editör, Literatür Yayıncılık, İstanbul, ss.1-110, 2016

Kimyasal Baplar

Kimya 1, Mehmet TÜFEKÇİ , Serdar KARABÖCEK , Selami KARSLIOĞLU , Ahmet DEMİRBAŞ, Editör, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, ss.250-280, 2014

Dendrimers as Antibacterial Agents

Kimya, Varaprasad Bobbarala, Editör, Intech Pub, 51000 Rijeka, ss.89-106, 2012