SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Properties of Gaziantep Pita
Biological and Chemical Research
, cilt.6, ss.41-47, 2019 (Hakemli Dergi)
Anthocyanin Enigma
Biological and Chemical Research
, cilt.6, ss.1-7, 2019 (Hakemli Dergi)
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar
Some Critical Deteriorations During the Bulgur Production
A study on determining the unit price of black carrot (Daucus carota ssp. sativus var. atrorubens Alef) fiber fortified bread
EJONS V – International Confrence on Mathematics – Engineering – Natural Medical Sciences, 22 - 24 Kasım 2018, ss.841-844
Quality characteristics and antioxidant properties of bread incorporated by black carrot (Daucus carota ssp. sativus var. atrorubens Alef) fiber
Euro-Global Conference on Food Science, Agronomy and Technology- FAT 2018, 20 - 22 Eylül 2018
Quality and antioxidant properties of black carrot (Daucus carota ssp. sativus var. atrorubens Alef) fiber fortified Gaziantep pita
3. Uluslararası Mesleki ve Teknik Bilimler Kongresi- UMTEB 2018, 21 - 22 Haziran 2018
Anthocyanin Enigma
International Conference on Raw Materials to Processed Foods, 11 - 13 Nisan 2018
Properties of Gaziantep pita
International Conference on Raw Materials to Processed Foods, 11 - 13 Nisan 2018
Incorporation of black carrot pomace powder into bread as an antioxidant
15th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop, Bergamo, İtalya, 26 - 29 Nisan 2016
Perspectives of Biodegradable Nanocoating in Food Packaging
Sustainable Approach to Protective Nanocoatings, Rajni Garg,Ansar Anjum, Editör, IGI Global, Pennsylvania, ss.1-300, 2024