Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Menschutkin Klik Kimyası ile Nanomalzemelerin Üretimi ve Özellikleri

12.Ulusal Kimya Mühendisleri Kongresi, İzmir, Türkiye, 23 - 26 Ağustos 2016

Photophysical Properties of Oligothiophenes End-Capped with Thioxanthone Naphthalene

Solar Energy for World Peace , İstanbul, Türkiye, 17 - 19 Ağustos 2013, ss.258-259

Novel polymeric benzophenone photoinitiators from alkyl a-hydroxymethacrylates

244th National Fall Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Pennsylvania, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 19 - 23 Ağustos 2012, cilt.244 identifier

Functionalization of MW-CNT

APME-2011 International Symposium on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Nevşehir, Türkiye, 5 - 08 Kasım 2011, ss.185

Thioxanthone-Fluorene: A New Visible Photoinitiator

APME-2011 International Symposium on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering , Nevşehir, Türkiye, 5 - 08 Kasım 2011, ss.186

Photophysical Properties of Free-Base, MgII(ethylsulfanyl)-Porphyrazine

APME-2011 International Symposium on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering , Nevşehir, Türkiye, 5 - 08 Kasım 2011, ss.204

Benzoin Derivatives as Photoinitiators: Photophysical and Photochemical Properties

European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, Fransa, 28 Kasım - 01 Aralık 2010, ss.28

Tiyokzanton Bazlı Görünür Başlatıcıların Sentezi

22. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Gazimagusa, Kıbrıs (Kktc), 6 - 10 Ekim 2008, ss.6

UV-Curable Nanocoatings by Type II Photoinitiators

NATO-ASI, New Smart Materials via Metal Mediated Macromolecular Engineering: From Complex to Nano Structures , Antalya, Türkiye, 1 - 12 Eylül 2008, ss.56

Synthesis and Characterization of Polymeric Thioxanthone Photoinitatiors via Double Click Reactions

NATO-ASI, New Smart Materials via Metal Mediated Macromolecular Engineering: From Complex to Nano Structures, Antalya, Türkiye, 1 - 12 Eylül 2008, ss.49

Fotobaşlatılmış Polimerizasyon Yöntemiyle Hidrojellerin Hazırlanması

21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Malatya, Türkiye, 23 - 27 Ağustos 2007, ss.87

Photophysical Properties of Novel Type I Initiators

Chemical Physics VII , Isparta, Türkiye, 19 - 20 Mayıs 2006, ss.22

The Investigation of Photophysical Properties and Photokinetics of Novel Thioxanthone Based Photoinitiators

6th International Paint, Varnish, Ink & Auxiliary Products IndustryCongress& Exhibition Presentations, İstanbul, Türkiye, 17 - 19 Mayıs 2006, ss.62-68

The Synthesis of Water Soluble Initiators Based on The Thioxanthone Acetic Acid Derivatives and Their Use For The Polymerizations of Acrylamide

APME-6 International Symposium on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, İstanbul, Türkiye, 15 - 18 Ağustos 2005, ss.100

The Investigation of Reactivity of Quinoxaline Derivatives as Photoinitiators in UV-Curable Formulations

ICFA (International Conference on Functional Acrylates), İstanbul, Türkiye, 31 Ağustos - 04 Eylül 2004, ss.58

The Investigation of Cationic Polymerization of Cyclohexene Oxide with 5-Thia Naphtacen-12-one and 5-Thia Penthacen-14-one

ICFA (International Conference on Functional Acrylates), İstanbul, Türkiye, 31 Ağustos - 04 Eylül 2004, ss.57

Synthesis of Novel Thioxanthone Based Photoinitiators and Their Role in Photopolymerization

ICFA (International Conference on Functional Acrylates), İstanbul, Türkiye, 31 Ağustos - 04 Eylül 2004, ss.30
Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

Preparation of Hydrogels by Photoinitiated Polymerization of Acrylates: in the presence of novel initiators

Basics and Applications of Photopolymerization Reactions, J.P. Fouassier,X. Allonas, Editör, Research Signpost, Thiruvananthapuram, ss.33-46, 2010

The effect of photoinitiator content and UV intensity on the rate of diacrylate polymerization; A photo-DSC study

Basics and Applications of Photopolymerization Reactions, J.P. Fouassier,X. Allonas, Editör, Reasearch Signpost, Thiruvananthapuram, ss.161-173, 2010 Creative Commons License

Thioxanthone based polymeric photoinitiators

Basics and Applications of Photopolymerization Reactions, J.P. Fouassier,X. Allonas, Editör, Research Signpost , Thiruvananthapuram, ss.37-48, 2010

The effect of photoinitiator content and UV intensity on the rate of diacrylate polymerization; A photo-DSC study

Basics and Applications of Photopolymerization Reactions, Fouassier J.P., Allonas X., Editör, Reasearch Signpost, Thiruvananthapuram, ss.161-173, 2010

Preparation of Hydrogels by Photoinitiated Polymerization of Acrylates: in the presence of novel initiators

Basics and Applications of Photopolymerization Reactions, Fouassier J.P., Allonas X., Editör, Research Signpost, Thiruvananthapuram, ss.33-46, 2010



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