Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
From ice to neurons: investigating the neuroprotective effects of Antarctic microalgae Chlorella variabilis and Chlorella pyrenoidosa extracts
3 Biotech
, vol.14, no.250, pp.1-10, 2024 (SCI-Expanded)
Microfluidic Chip-Assisted Separation Process and Post-Chip Microalgae Cultivation for Carotenoid Production
, vol.1, no.1, pp.1, 2024 (SCI-Expanded)

Experimental investigation on thermal behavior and thermo-kinetic study on pyrolysis of de-oiled microalgae
, vol.19, no.12, pp.12279-12288, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

Selenium and clarithromycin loaded PLA-GO composite wound dressings by electrospinning method
, vol.71, no.12, pp.898-909, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

Antimicrobial and bacteriostatic activity of surfactants against B.subtilis for microbial cleaner formulation
, vol.1, pp.1-8, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)

Marine diatom isolation, identification and investigation of nutrient effects on the diatom growth
, vol.34, pp.1144-1153, 2019 (SCI-Expanded)

Determination of shear rate for scale-up of B. braunii production
, no.280, pp.43, 2018 (SCI-Expanded)

Investigation of antibacterial and antioxidant activities of various algae species
, no.280, pp.80, 2018 (SCI-Expanded)

Articles Published in Other Journals
Antarctic Microalgae Growth in Simulated Wastewater
International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology
, vol.1, pp.1-5, 2024 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Antarktika: Yaşam bilimleri ve biyoteknoloji araştırmalarının gözden geçirilmesi
International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology
, vol.4, no.1, pp.158-177, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Isolation of Paracercomonas sp. TAE3-YTU.008 from Horseshoe Island, Skua Lake, Antarctica, MW521096.1
NCBI GenBank
, vol.1, pp.1, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Isolation of Flamella arnhemensis strain TAE3-YTU.006 from Horseshoe Island, Antarctica, MW513457.1
NCBI GenBank
, vol.1, pp.1, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Isolation, characterization and identification of Chlorella sorokiniana strain Egemen.001 isolated from Horseshoe Island, Skua Lake, Antarctica, MW147167.1
NCBI GenBank
, vol.1, pp.1, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Isolation of Flamella balnearia strain YTU.ARCTIC.001 isolated from Arctica, MW147173.1
NCBI GenBank
, vol.1, pp.1, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Isolation, characterization and identification of Pseudochlorella pringsheimii strain TASE-Ozcimen.001 isolated from Arctica, MW147154.1
NCBI GenBank
, no.1, pp.1, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Isolation, characterization and identification of Auxenochlorella pyrenoidosa strain Ozcimen.001 isolated from Horseshoe Island, Skua Lake, Antarctica, MT951391
NCBI GenBank
, vol.1, no.1, pp.1, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Utilization of hydrothermal process water for microalgal growth
Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences
, vol.3, no.1, pp.42-47, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Investigation of B. subtilis viability at different pH ranges for use in microbial cleaner formulation
Bulletin of Biotechnology
, vol.1, no.1, pp.1-7, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Isolation of Blastomonas sp. from Horseshoe Island, Skua Lake, Antarctica, YTU.POLAR.001, MN384971
NCBI GenBank
, pp.1, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Isolation of Achromobacter sp. from Horseshoe Island, Skua Lake, Antarctica, YTU.KUTUP.001, MN396385
NCBI GenBank
, pp.1, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Adsorption of Remazol Brilliant Blue R by raw and carbonized macroalgal wastes
Environmental Research & Technology
, vol.1, no.4, pp.40-46, 2018 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

A comparison of bioethanol and biochar production from various algal biomass samples and sweet sorghum energy crop
Environmental Research & Technology
, vol.43, 2018 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Production of Tomato Stalk Biochar and its Usage in Hydrophonic Agriculture
Journal of Chemical Engineering Research Updates
, no.4, pp.15-22, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

A Review on Algal Biopolymers
Journal of Chemical Engineering Research Updates
, vol.4, pp.7-14, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

23rd International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials
, vol.1, pp.1357-1361, 2014 (Conference Book)

, vol.30, no.1, pp.56-65, 2012 (ESCI)

Zeytin ve Zeytinyağı ile Gelen Sağlık
, no.15, pp.873-876, 2011 (Non Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Fındık Kabuğu Karbonizasyon Sonuçlarının İstatistiksel Değerlendirilmesi
İTÜ Dergisi
, vol.8, no.1, pp.116-124, 2009 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
AlgaEurope 2023, Praha, Czech Republic, 12 - 15 December 2023, pp.1-2
Bioprinting of Microalgae Laden Scaffold for Tissue Regeneration
AlgaEurope2023, Praha, Czech Republic, 12 - 15 December 2023, pp.424

Kutup Mikroalglerinin Mikroakışkan Yöntemler ile Ayrıştırılması ve Zenginleştirilmesi
7. Ulusal Kutup Bilimleri Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Turkey, 04 December 2023
7. Ulusal Kutup Bilimleri Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Turkey, 04 December 2023
Pyrolysis Characteristics and Kinetics of Microalgal Residues
6th EurAsia Waste Management Symposium, İstanbul, Turkey, 24 - 26 October 2022
Evaluation of Avocado Peel Based Biochars As Adsorbent in Methyl Orange Adsorption
6th Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, Turkey, 24 - 26 October 2022
Microfluidic systems as a novel approach for microalgal bioprocess
III. International Enzyme and Bioprocess Days, Tokat, Turkey, 9 - 11 September 2022
Characterization Of Hydrochar Production From Orange Peel And Sewage Sludge By Hydrothermal Processes
16th International Combustion Symposium, Aydın, Turkey, 8 - 11 September 2022
Bacillus safensis production towards biocontrol applications
III. International Enzyme and Bioprocess Days, Tokat, Turkey, 9 - 11 September 2022
Cultivation of Chlorella variabilis YTU.ANTARCTIC.001 and Evaluating Its Anticancer Activity against PC-3 and AGS Cell Lines
III. International Enzyme and Bioprocess Days EBDays 2022, Turkey, 9 - 11 September 2022
Analyzing of Biochar Production Potential and Pyrolytic Behavior of Aloe vera Solid Wastes
4th Bioenergy Studies Symposium, Virtual, İstanbul, Turkey, 26 - 27 May 2022

Büyük ölçekli biyogaz tesisindeki biyolojik metan üretim potansiyelinin incelenmesi
3rd International Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (EurasianSciEnTech 2021), Ankara, Turkey, 15 - 17 December 2021
Kutup Mikroalgleri: Medikal Kremler için Yeni Bir Biyo-etken Madde Kaynağı
5. Ulusal Kutup Çalıştayı, Turkey, 30 November 2021
Determination of Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Content of Antarctic Microalgae
Algae Biomass Summit, Germany, 27 - 28 October 2021
Growth and biochemical response of Chlorella variabilis YTU.ANTARCTIC.001 to temperature and nitrogen stress
10th Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts Conference, United States Of America, 14 - 16 June 2021
Botyrococcus braunii cultivation in the wet oxidation liquid from the hydrothermal carbonization of orange pomace
5th Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, İstanbul, Turkey, 26 - 28 October 2020, pp.1
Valorization of Various Lignocellulosic Wastes for Solid Acid Catalyst Production and Its Application in Biodiesel Production from Algal Oil
5th Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, Turkey, 26 - 28 October 2020
Treatment of Wastewater Generated by Wood-Based Dry Industry and Municipal Wastewater for Microalgae Cultivation
5th Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, Turkey, 26 October 2020
Determination of combustion kinetic parameters of microalgal wastes
5th Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, İstanbul, Turkey, 26 - 28 October 2020, pp.1
Antarktik Mikroalg Bazlı-Antimikrobiyal Etkili-Biyoaktif Yara Örtüsü Malzemesi Üretimi
4. Ulusal Kutup Çalıştayı, Turkey, 22 October 2020
Antarktika'dan İzole Edilen Auxenochlorella pyrenoidosa Mikroalginin Antimikrobiyal Etkisinin İncelenmesi
4. Ulusal Kutup Çalıştayı, Turkey, 22 October 2020
Antarktik Mikroalg Bazlı, Antimikrobiyal Etkili Biyoaktif Yara Örtüsü Malzemesi Üretimi
4. Ulusal Kutup Bilimleri Çalıştayı ve Birinci Kutup Şenliği, Kocaeli, Turkey, 22 - 23 October 2020, pp.1
Antarktika’dan İzole Edilen Chlorella variabilis Mikroalgi Kullanılarak Yeşil Sentezle Gümüş Nanopartikül Üretimi
4. Ulusal Kutup Bilimleri Çalıştayı ve Birinci Kutup Şenliği, Kocaeli, Turkey, 22 October 2020, pp.1
Effect of fluid and mass transfer characteristics on microalgal bioprocess
II. International Enzyme and BioprocessDays EBDays 2020, Turkey, 1 - 03 September 2020
Prevention of foodborne infections with algal biotechnology
II. International Enzyme and BioprocessDays EBDays 2020, İstanbul, Turkey, 1 - 03 September 2020, pp.26
Isolation and identification of some microorganism species collected from Horseshoe Island, Skua Lake, Antarctica and microalgae cultivation
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) 2020 Open Science Conference, Australia, 3 - 04 August 2020
Investigation of antibacterial and antifungal effects of C. variabilis isolated from Horseshoe Island, SkuaLake, Antarctica
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) 2020 Open Science Conference, Australia, 3 - 04 August 2020
Characterization of solid and aqueous phase products from hydrothermal carbonization of orange pomace
2nd International Symposium on Hydrothermal Carbonization, Berlin, Germany, 14 May 2019, pp.1
Effect of Scaffold Design on Mechanical Properties in Bone Tissue Engineering
4th International Congress on 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, Antalya, Turkey, 11 April 2019, pp.1
Fabrication of M. aeruginosa Oil Loaded Nanoparticles by Electrospraying
16th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids for a Healthy and Sustainable World, 16 - 19 September 2018
Valorization of Orange Peel to Produce Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Biofuels
Eurasia 2018 Waste Management Symposium, 2 - 04 May 2018
Measurement of the pH Change Caused by C. Vulgaris Microalgae in the Solar Bioreactor with pH ISE
VI. International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress, Afyon, Turkey, 25 - 26 December 2017, pp.100
Design and production of a lab-scale solar bioreactor
The first International Congress on Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology (ICABB), Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 25 - 29 October 2017, pp.101
Measuring nitrate consumption by C. vulgaris using NO3- ionselective electrode
The first International Congress on Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology (ICABB), Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 25 - 29 October 2017, pp.100
Denizel Organizmalardan Elde Edilen Bileşiklerin Farmasötik ve Nutrasötik Etkilerinin Araştırılması
19. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, Sinop, Turkey, 12 September 2017
Alglerin Balık Yemi Olarak Potansiyelinin Belirlenmesi
19. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, Turkey, 12 - 15 September 2017
Effect of Nanoparticles on Lipid Production of C. minutissima
15th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids for a Healthy and Sustainable World, Uppsala, Sweden, 27 August 2017
Innovative Approach to Encapsulation of Microalgal Oils for Enriched Products
15th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids for a Healthy and Sustainable World, 27 - 30 August 2017
Optimization of Cultivation Conditions and Media Composition for High Lipid Productivity of M. aeruginosa
15th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids for a Healthy and Sustainable World, 27 - 30 August 2017
Türkiye’de İzole Edilen Mikroalglerin Yağ Asidi Karakterizasyonu
8. Ulusal Kimya Öğrenci Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 16 May 2017
Chlorella Minutissima Mikroalginden Ekzopolisakkarit Üretimi
8. Ulusal Kimya Öğrenci Kongresi, Turkey, 16 - 18 May 2017
Statistical Analysis of the Parameters Affecting the Amount of Bioactive Substances of B. Braunii Microalgae
108th AOCS Annual Meeting Expo, 30 April - 03 May 2017
Relationship Investigation Between Lipid Accumulation and Nitrogen Consumption of C.minutissima Using Special Designed Nitrate Sensor
108th AOCS Annual Meeting Expo, 30 April - 03 May 2017
Nanokapsüle Edilmiş Alg ve Siyanobakteri Ekstratlarının Gıda Kaynaklı Patojenlere Karşı Etkilerinin Araştırılması
V. Ulusal Nanoteknoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 09 March 2017
Gümüş ve Altın Nanopartiküllerin Antimikrobiyal Özelliklerinin Mikroalgal Ekzopolisakkaritlerle Geliştirilmesi
V. Ulusal Nanoteknoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 09 March 2017
TiO 2 ve Ag Nanopartiküllerin Mikroalgal Büyüme Kinetiği Üzerine Olan Etkilerinin Araştırılması
V. Ulusal Nanoteknoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 09 March 2017
Çeşitli Algal Biyopolimerlerin Nanoteknolojik Ürün Olarak Kullanımının Araştırılması
V. Ulusal Nanoteknoloji Kongresi, Turkey, 9 - 10 March 2017
Biyoaktiflerce Zengin Algal Yağların Nanoteknolojik Yöntemle Gıda ve Farmasötik Alanında Değerlendirilmesi
V. Ulusal Nanoteknoloji Kongresi, Turkey, 9 - 10 March 2017
Investigation of Biogas Production From Oil Extracted Chlorella Minutissima Microalgae
2nd International Conference on Energy Systems (ICES-2016), İstanbul, Turkey, 21 December 2016
Bioethanol Production from C. Minutissima Cultivated in Lab-Scale Photobioreactor
2nd International Conference on Energy Systems (ICES-2016), 21 - 23 December 2016
Novel Exopolysaccharide (EPS) Source: Microalgae
International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS 2016), Saraybosna, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 24 May 2016, pp.380
Enhanced biogas production from algal biomass digestion using different pre-treatment methods
International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS 2016), Saraybosna, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 24 May 2016, pp.458
A Preliminary Study on Development of Nanostructured Lipid Carriers Loaded with Microalgal Oil
International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS 2016), Saraybosna, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 24 May 2016, pp.418
Potential health benefits of bioactives derived from algae
International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS 2016), Saraybosna, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 24 May 2016, pp.265
A Comparative Study on Biochar Production from Algal Species
International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS 2016), Saraybosna, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 24 May 2016, pp.405
A Preliminary Study on Development of Nanostructured Lipid Carriers Loaded with Microalgal Oil
International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS 2016), 24 - 28 May 2016
Biopolymer production from algae for medical usage
International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS 2016), 24 - 28 May 2016
Algal Yogurt Production
IV. International Food R D Project Market, 24 May 2016
A Preliminary Study on Development of Nanostructured Lipid Carriers Loaded with Microalgal Oil
International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS 2016), Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 24 - 28 May 2016, pp.100
Marine Microalgae Growth in Batch Culture Treating Municipal Wastewater
Eurasia 2016 Waste Management Symposium, 2 - 04 May 2016

Biochemical Methane Production from Anaerobic Co Digestion of the Ulva Lactuca Macroalgae
EurAsia Waste Management Symposium, 2 - 04 May 2016
Usage of Microalgal Fatty Acids for Biopharmaceutical Drugs
107th AOCS Annual Meeting Expo, 1 - 04 May 2016
Nanoparticles Usage as an Innovative Approach for Inducing Lipid Production of Microalgal Cells
107th AOCS Annual Meeting Expo, 1 - 04 May 2016
Algal Biochar Production from Macroalgal Wastes
Eurasia 2016 Waste Management Symposium, 01 May 2016
Microalgal biodiesel production from Chlorella vulgaris
13th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids for a Healthy and Sustainable World, 27 - 30 September 2015
Utilization of Macroalgal Biomass for Bioethanol Production by Performing Acid Pre-treatment
International Conference on Microalgae and Biofuels, 30 - 31 July 2015
Utilization of Macroalgal Biomass for Bioethanol Production by Performing Acid Pre-treatment
International Conference on Microalgae and Biofuels, İstanbul, Turkey, 20 - 22 July 2015, pp.152
Utilization of Macroalgae via Thermochemical Process for Adsorbent Production
3rd International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science, 3 - 05 June 2015
Biodiesel Production from Oils of C. vulgaris and N. Oculata Cultivated with Different Media Additives and Wastewater Sources
106th AOCS Annual Meeting Expo, 3 - 06 May 2015
High Yield Biodiesel Production from Heterotrophically Cultivated Chlorella protothecoides
BIO ENG’14 Bioengineering Conference, 27 - 29 November 2014
Alkaline Pre-Treatment of Macroalgae for Bioethanol Production
BIO ENG’14 Bioengineering Conference, 27 - 29 November 2014
Investigation of the Biochar Production Potential from Algae
BIO ENG’14 Bioengineering Conference, 27 - 29 November 2014
Effect of Different Growth Parameters on Cell Proliferation of Chlorella vulgaris
BIO ENG’14 Bioengineering Conference, 27 - 29 November 2014
Investigation of Growth Kinetics of Nannochloropsis, Isochrysis and Tetraselmis sp.
BIO ENG’14 Bioengineering Conference, 27 - 29 November 2014
Alkaline Pre-Treatment of Macroalgae for Bioethanol Production
BIO ENG’14 Bioengineering Conference, İstanbul, Turkey, 17 - 19 November 2014, pp.66-71
Characterization of Microalgal Oils (Chlorella vulgaris, Chlorella protothecoides and Nannochloropsis oculata) for Biodiesel Production
12nd Euro Fed Lipid Congress, 14 - 17 September 2014
Etkin Güneş Işığı Aktarımına Sahip Fotobiyoreaktör Tasarımı
İlk İşim Girişim” Endüstriyel Rekabetçilik Proje Pazarı, Turkey, 22 May 2014
Essential oil components in macroalgae for human health
105th AOCS Annual Meeting Expo, 4 - 07 May 2014
Etkin güneş ışığı aktarımına sahip fotobiyoreaktör tasarımı
İlk işim Girişim Endüstriyel Rekabetçilik Proje Pazarı, 01 May 2014
The Utilization of Sweet Sorghum Residues for Biochar Production
Eurasia Waste Management Symposium-2014, 28 - 30 April 2014
Biogas Production Potential from Post-Extraction Algal Residue
Eurasia Waste Management Symposium-2014, 28 - 30 April 2014
A Potential of Post-Extracted Algal Biomass Residues in Biogas Production
Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, 01 April 2014
Adsorption of Remazol Brilliant Blue R on Adsorbents Obtained from Anaerobically Digested Sewage Sludge
Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, 01 April 2014
Çoklu Optik Sistemlerin Bir Arada Kullanıldığı Mikroalg Yetiştirme Ortamı İçin İyileştirici Sistem
I.Patent Atölyesi ve İmalat Teknolojileri Proje Pazarı, Turkey, 18 December 2013
Microalgal oil as a feedstock for biodiesel production
11th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids for a Healthy and Sustainable World, 29 October - 01 November 2013
Algal oil usage in cosmetic industry
11th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids for a Healthy and Sustainable World, 29 October - 01 November 2013
Mikroalg Üretimi Ve Biyoyakıt Alanında Değerlendirilmesi
5.Biltronik Yarışması ve 3.Ar-Ge Pazarı, Turkey, 8 - 09 May 2013
Biyochar Üretimi
5.Biltronik Yarışması ve 3.Ar-Ge Pazarı, 01 May 2013
Enerji Bitkilerinden Biyoetanol Eldesi
5.Biltronik Yarışması ve 3.Ar-Ge Pazarı, 01 May 2013
Alglerin Biyoyakıt Eldesine Yönelik Genetik Modifikasyonlarının Araştırılması
5.Biltronik Yarışması ve 3.Ar-Ge Pazarı, 01 May 2013
Proton değişim membran yakıt pilinde nanoteknoloji ve akıllı membran malzemesi birleşimi
3.Ar-Ge Proje Pazarı, 01 May 2013
Mikroalg Yağından Biyodizel Üretimi
5.Biltronik Yarışması ve 3.Ar-Ge Pazarı, 01 May 2013
Ultrasonic transesterification of microalgae oil to biodiesel
104th AOCS Annual Meeting&Expo, 01 April 2013
Pros and cons of using corn oil
9th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids for a Healthy and Sustainable World, 01 November 2012
The Biodiesel production from various vegetable oils with ultrasonic method
10th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, 01 September 2012
Karbon Nanotüplerin İlaç Endüstrisinde Kullanımı
II. Ulusal Nanoteknoloji Kongresi, 01 June 2012
Karbon Nanotüplerin Kemik Doku Mühendisliğinde Kullanımı
II. Ulusal Nanoteknoloji Kongresi, 01 June 2012
Kızartma yağlarının saflaştırılmasında tarımsal atıkların değerlendirilmesi
YABİTED 1.Bitkisel Yağ Bilim Kongresi, Adana, Turkey, 24 May 2012, pp.64
Synthesis of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester from Hazelnut Oil under Ultrasonic Conditions
103rd AOCS Annual Meeting &Expo, 01 May 2012
Bitkisel Atıklardan Biyochar Eldesi
II.Ar-Ge Proje Pazarı-Enerji ve Çevre Teknolojileri, 01 May 2012
Atığın Atığını Değerlendiriyoruz
II.Ar-Ge Proje Pazarı-Enerji ve Çevre Teknolojileri, 01 May 2012
Doğal Biyorafineriniz: Algler
II.Ar-Ge Proje Pazarı-Enerji ve Çevre Teknolojileri, 01 May 2012
Rapid Microwave-Assisted Transesterification of Waste Frying Oil for Biodiesel
AOCS, World Conference on Oilseed Processing, Fats & Oils Processing, Biofuels & Applications, İzmir, Turkey, 01 December 2011
The Potential and Usage Areas of Agricultural Grain Wastes of Turkey
Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, 01 November 2011
Beneficial health effects of conjugated linolenic acids
9th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids for a Healthy and Sustainable World, 01 November 2011
Purification of Waste Frying Oil for Biodiesel Production
Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, 01 November 2011
The Usage of Cereal Waste Products for Bleaching of Oil
Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, 01 November 2011
Ultrasound Assisted Biodiesel Synthesis from Corn Oil
9th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids for a Healthy and Sustainable World, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 18 October 2011
Wheat husk ash as a bleaching agent
9th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Oils, Fats and Lipids for a Healthy and Sustainable World, 01 September 2011
Tahıl Atığından Elde Edilen Magnezyum Silikat ile Ham Ayçiçeği Yağının Renginin Giderilmesi
25.Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 01 June 2011
Lipase Catalyzed Biodiesel Production by Microwave Assisted
AOCS, World Conference on Oilseed Processing, Fats & Oils Processing, Biofuels & Applications, İzmir-Turkey, 01 June 2011
Pirinç Kabuğu Külünden Baryum Silikat Üretimi
Uluslararası Katılımlı 25. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Erzurum, 01 June 2011
Biodiesel production from corn oil in the presence of enzymatic catalyst
102nd AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, Ohio, United States Of America, 3 - 06 May 2011, pp.356
Comparison of Current Polymerization Shrinkage Methods for Dental Composites
16th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, BIOMED 2010, Türkiye, İstanbul, 01 December 2010
An Overview on the Bio-inorganic Nanohybrids for use as Bone Replacement Materials
16th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, BIOMED 2010, Türkiye, İstanbul, 01 December 2010
A Novel Renewable Silica Source: Wheat Hull and Wheat Hull Ash
Second Internatıonal Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health,, Athens, Greece, 01 December 2010, pp.142

The Usage of Carbon Nanotubes for Green Energy
Second International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health, Mykonos, 01 December 2010
Biodiesel Production of Algae
101st AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Phoenix, USA, 01 December 2010
The Characterization of Bovine Serum Albumin Using Capillary Electrophoretic and Spectrofluorimetric Methods
BIOMED 2010, 16th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, İstanbul, Turkey, 28 September 2010
The Chitin and chitosan: As a biomedical material
Second International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health, Athens, Greece, 27 - 29 September 2010, pp.1606
Utilization of Agricultural Residues as Adsorbent Materials
Second International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health, Athens, Greece, 27 - 29 September 2010, pp.1905
Applicability of Capillary Electrophoresis for Proteins and Peptides
BIOMED 2010, 16th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, Istanbul, 01 September 2010
A Comparison of Various Characterization Techniques for Gama Globulin
BIOMED 2010, 16th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, Istanbul, 01 September 2010
New Advances in Biodiesel Production
5th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition IEESE-5, Denizli, Turkey, 27 - 30 June 2010, pp.22
A Comparison of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Biomass Energy
5th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition IEESE-5, 01 June 2010
Bio-oil Production from Chestnut Shell
5th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition IEESE-5, 01 June 2010
Investigation of the Effect of Carbonization Conditions on the Porosity of Hazelnut Shell Biochar
5th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition IEESE-5, 01 June 2010
Utilization of Ash in Buildings
International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (ISBS), Ankara, Turkey, 26 - 28 May 2010, pp.830-832
Human Health Effects of Base Stations Near Buildings
International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (ISBS), Ankara, Turkey, 26 - 28 May 2010, pp.786-788

Biodiesel Production From Algae
101st AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo., Phoneix-USA, 01 May 2010
Use of Renewable Energy Sources in Buildings
International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (ISBS), 01 May 2010

Evaluation of grapeseed as a biofuel source
Renewable Resources and Biorefineries Conference, University of York-United Kingdom, 01 September 2006
Effect of carbonization conditions on the physical properties of biochar produced from apicot stone
Renewable Resources and Biorefineries Conference, University of York-United Kingdom, 01 September 2006
Production of Biochar from Grapeseed (Vitis Vinifera) by Carbonization
14th European Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy Industry and Climate Protection, 01 October 2005
Biomass Energy and Environmental Impacts
3rd International Conference of Ecological Protection of the Planet Earth, İstanbul, Turkey, 10 - 12 June 2005, pp.38
Avrupa Birliği, Temiz Enerji ve Biyomotorin
IV.Ulusal Temiz Enerji Sempozyumu, 01 October 2002

Biodiesel for Turkey: An Overview
World Conference and Exhibition Oil Seed and Edible, Industrial, and Specialty Oils: Sources, Processing, By-Products, Utilization and Feed Formulations, Applications and Functionality, Istanbul-Turkey, 01 August 2002
Some Raw Vegetable Oils and Their Methyl Ester Usage as Alternative Diesel Engine Fuel
World Conference and Exhibition Oil Seed and Edible, Industrial, and Specialty Oils: Sources, Processing, By-Products, Utilization and Feed Formulations, Applications and Functionality, Istanbul-Turkey, 01 August 2002
Characterization of char from Rapeseed Cake with Fixed Bed Pyrolysis
12th European Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy Industry and Climate Protection, 01 June 2002
Renewable Energy Resources of Turkey with Future Perspectives
The 5 nd International Conference on New Energy Systems and Conversions, 01 August 2001

Production of the Liquid Fuel with the Fixed Bed Pyrolysis of the Rapeseed Cake
The 5 nd International Conference on New Energy Systems and Conversions, 01 August 2001
Effect of Temperature on the Carbonization of Hazelnut Shell
14th European Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy Industry and Climate Protection, Paris, France, 4 - 08 October 2004, pp.1-3
Biyomotorin Nedir?
III. Ulusal Temiz Enerji Sempozyumu, 01 November 2000
Biyodizel üretimine Enzimatik Yöntem Yaklaşımı
VIII. Ulusal Temiz Enerji Sempozyumu, Bursa, Turkey, pp.611
Zeytinyağı Endüstrisi Katı Atıklarının Değerlendildiği Alanlar
Türkiye II. Zeytin ve Zeytinyağı Kongresi, Şanlıurfa, Turkey, pp.157
Pirinç Kabuğu Külünden Eritme Yöntemiyle 45S5 Biyoaktif Cam Hazırlanması ve Karakterizasyonu
26.Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Muğla, Turkey, pp.289
Books & Book Chapters
The importance of downstream processes in algae biorefinery concept
in: Algal Bioreactors Vol 2: Science, Engineering and Technology of Downstream Processes, Eduardo Jacob-Lopes,Leila Queiroz Zepka,Mariany Costa Depra, Editor, Elsevier Science, Oxford/Amsterdam , London, pp.37-55, 2024
Bioethanol Production Bioprocess from Microalgae
in: Handbook of Microalgae-based Processes and Products: Fundamentals and advances in energy, food, feed, fertilizer and bioactive compounds, EDUARDO JACOB-LOPES, Editor, Elsevier Science, Oxford/Amsterdam , Amsterdam, pp.1, 2020

Bioeconomic Assessment of Microalgal Production
in: Microalgal Biotechnology, Eduardo Jacob-Lopes, Editor, Intechopen (İnvited), London, pp.195-213, 2018
Sustainable Design and Synthesis of Algal Biorefinery for Biofuel Production
in: Biofuels: Production and Future Perspectives, Singh R. S., Pandey A., Gnansounou E., Editor, Taylor And Francis (İn Press) (İnvited), Basel, pp.431-460, 2016
An Overview of Bioethanol Production from Algae
in: Biofuels - Status and Perspective, Biernat K., Editor, Intech (İnvited), Dubrovnik, pp.141-162, 2015
Utilization Alternatives of Algal Wastes for Solid Algal Products
in: Algal Biorefinery Volume 2: Products and Refinery Design, Prokop, Aleš, Bajpai, Rakesh K., Zappi, Mark E., Editor, Springer (İnvited), New-York, pp.393-418, 2015
Algal Biorefinery for Biodiesel Production
in: Biodiesel - Feedstocks, Production and Applications, Fang Z., Editor, Intech (İnvited), Dubrovnik, pp.25-58, 2013
An Approach to the Characterization of Biochar and Bio-Oil
in: Renewable Energy for Sustainable Future, Lohani S.P., Editor, İconcept Press (İnvited), Kowloon, pp.41-58, 2013

Novel Methods in Biodiesel Production
in: Biofuel's Engineering Process Technology, Marco Aurélio dos Santos Bernardes, Editor, Intech (İnvited), Dubrovnik, pp.353-384, 2011
Zeytin İşletmelerinde Kullanılan Suyun Özellikleri
in: Zeytin ve Zeytinyağı Sektöründe Ortak Akıl ve Güçbirliği, TATLI A., Editor, Lazer Sistem Ofset Basım Yayım, Ankara, pp.183-195, 2010
Zeytinyağında Kızartma Sonrası Meydana Gelen Değişimler
in: Zeytin ve Zeytinyağı Sektöründe Ortak Akıl ve Güçbirliği, ABİDİN TATLI, Editor, Lazer Sistem Ofset Basım Yayım, Ankara, pp.121-142, 2010
Zeytin ve Zeytinyağının İnsan Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri
in: Zeytin ve Zeytinyağı Sektöründe Ortak Akıl ve Güçbirliği, TATLI A., Editor, Lazer Sistem Ofset Basım Yayım, Ankara, pp.143-152, 2010
Zeytinyağında Kızartma İşlemi Sırasında Meydana Gelen Değişmeler
in: Zeytin ve Zeytinyağı Sektöründe Ortak Akıl ve Güçbirliği, Tatlı A., Editor, Lazer Ofset, Ankara, pp.165-169, 2010